RE: Is Your Personality a Condition?


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Hola @agmoore
Sí que has tenido que leer para analizar y hacer tus conclusiones que son bastante acertadas con respecto a la incertindumbre de Martin Lorentzon. Yo pienso que es una personal tan normal como cualquiera, mentiene "bajas y subidas" en el control neurológico. Y es así como dices: "ser diferente no es un trastorno". En la diferencia de cada ser humano, incluyendo su nivel cultural y salud biopsicosocial, se presentan la diversidad, la individualidad de cada quién. El aprendizaje de cada uno de nosotros es consevido bajo un estricto orden, que va de la mano con el proceso de crecimiento o desarrollo de nuestro cuerpo, de nuestra vida; que incluye los aspectos hereditarios (genes), toda la bioexistencia, la parte psicológica que se forma desde los primeros 5 años de vida y de acuerdo a la visión de nuestro entorno, vamos desarrollando la personalidad que nos permite interacturar con el medio ambiente y la sociedad.
Hay que ser muy valiente y poseer una coordinación mental que nos permita aceptar o no los diagnósticos del médico tratante. Las circunstancias del medio social (incluyendo familias y costumbres) permiten moldear nuestras cualidades y rasgos personales creando un ser único.

Hi @agmoore
Yes you have had to read to analyze and make your conclusions which are quite accurate regarding Martin Lorentzon's uncertainty. I think he is as normal a person as anyone, he has "ups and downs" in neurological control. And it is as you say: "being different is not a disorder". In the difference of each human being, including their cultural level and biopsychosocial health, there is diversity, the individuality of each one of us. The learning of each one of us is carried out under a strict order, which goes hand in hand with the process of growth or development of our body, of our life; which includes the hereditary aspects (genes), all the bioexistence, the psychological part that is formed from the first 5 years of life and according to the vision of our environment, we develop the personality that allows us to interact with the environment and society.
It is necessary to be very brave and have a mental coordination that allows us to accept or not the diagnoses of the treating physician. The circumstances of the social environment (including families and customs) allow us to mold our personal qualities and traits, creating a unique being.


Hay que ser muy valiente y poseer una coordinación mental que nos permita aceptar o no los diagnósticos del médico tratante

This is I think is true for all engagements with medical professionals, in all specialties. The ultimate decision for care rests with us, not the doctor.

Thank you for your complex and interesting answer. I agree with everything you say in it.

I appreciate that you read my long blog and that you provided a thoughtful response.
