(JaiChai) Science Fiction: "Kera Sykes: Teenage Space Pilot" - from the "Aeon 14 Series"



Inspired by James S. Aaron and M.D. Cooper's "Lyssa's Rise"

About Kera -

Kera has the wit and intelligence of her father (Andy Sykes) and the fighting spirit of her mother (Britt Ashford).

She exhibits maturity well beyond her 13 years of age, probably due to her role of big sister to her 10 y/o brother Tim, the abandonment of her mother early on and helping her father with much of the maintenance and navigation of the family's star freighter "Worries End".

Many times, Kera surprises herself and everyone around her with her courage under the most stressful and dangerous situations.

She befriends the sentient AI "Lyssa" and both of them are key to the mission of transporting other AIs to Proteus...

Read the rest of the story in James A. Aaron and M.D. Coopers's exciting science fiction novel "Lyssa's Rise", Book 3 of
"The Sentient Wars".

This is #1 of 3 rare (only three minted), signed and non-watermarked NFTs of "Kera Sykes: Teenage Space Pilot" from the Sentient Wars Fan Art Collection.

Available HERE: https://zilliqa.mintable.app/artwork/item/Kera-Sykes-Teenage-Space-Pilot---1-Kera-Sykes-Teenage-Space-Pilot---from-the-Aeon-14-Series-Collection-1-of-3/hdkafW5MLDXVJND

When purchased, the NFT is totally yours to display, HODL or resell.

May you and yours be well and love life today.

In lak'ech, JaiChai

JC Gold wings.gif

(JaiChai 21 DEC 2021. Simultaneous multi-site submissions posted. All rights reserved)
