ecoTrain QOTW#9.4: Can Spiritualy and Technology live Together?


Happy greetings and healthy greetings for community friends. Thank you ecoTrain Community, thank you @eco-alex as the originator of the idea.

I will try to participate in answering question about "Can Spirituality and Technology live Together"?, With my opinion and abilities.

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People in the World today,both in Cities and in rural areas already know about technology, one of wich is Communication technology,internet technology.

People from waking up to sleeping a gain cannot be separanted from the World of communication technology, such as computer technology. For example rete are several exparences that I do when I wake up in the morning what I'm looking for is computer or android technology tool.

If I don't hold a technology tool for a day it feels like something is missing, thats one the technologies needed by human. With technological advanced.

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We usually take along time to slarif for the title and content the looks. With technology in just second we can already find the title of the book and its content through sofware.

The question is who created technology? Of course those who can creats technology are individuals or groups of people who are capable with intelligent, smart mind, whatever the technology.

Very able spiritual and technological life together
Every human being has the ability,intelligence is different, different,from that difference humans will determine life choices are also different.

So also about spiritually everyone has a different level, technological advances, one of which in information technology. Every helpful for human change itselft.

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In my opinion, spiritually is being the most important part in human life. The ability to encourge someone to become a better person and determine the exence and meaning of life.

People who have spiritual intelligence have flexible and flexible attitudes and behavior,always think criticaly in analyzing problems. Identify them selves. Think holistically, have high contemplstion abilities and dare to go against the flow.

In fact it some one has spiritual intelligence, technology will be able to challenge a balanced process,technology also has an influence on spiritualisme. Especially in the process of solving value problems in living a more dynamic and varied life.

Experience spirituality and tachnology in life will have significang value when our spiritualy is used is the use of technological tools. As a small example, the use of information technology throughs the internet network can filter out negative information and positive information.

In my experience, with everyday life in advanced technology in using information and the internal,we benefit alot, especially in terms of time and cost, from a spiritual point cost, from a spiritual point of view with the speed of technology.

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The mind,mental, and mind are more comfortable,but still we must train our spiritual so that we prefer technology that can bring changes to behavior and attitudes.

Of course, technological progrees is also inevitanle,this is also one of the positive impacts of globalization. Now access to onformation and communication can be done quickly with the development of technology.

Spirituality and technology can live together, and technology will continue to develop, with spiritual and technological life together the world will be better, sustainable.

With spiritualy and technology and using technological results for the benefits of many people, of course those who have succeeded in finding technology no longer think about taking advantage but with spiritual goodness the result of technology will be useful for other people and World.

Human chage with technological and spiritual advancement maybe the World will be at peace. There is a term that this nature is damaged because of human action, meaning that if the human mind is trained with spiritual beliefs, this nature will gradually become uncomfortable.

In my opinion that spirituality and technology can coexist it is very possible. Thank you very much.
