What your urine tells about you: all you need to know



Good health they say, is the most important thing we all will always ask for. Everyone created on this planet wants to live a fulfilled life with a good health condition. Though I have come to realize that most people don't really bother to check their health status on time until it turns out to be worse.

Looking at our environment today, most sicknesses that have increased to severe extent is due to our negligence towards finding out the issue at early stage of the ailment. This have eventually lead to untimely death.

Time to time, checking up on yourself is the best way which we can use to minimize the mortality rate in our society.

Today I am going to be discussing on urine. How urine can be used to examine our body system, and why we need to pay attention when we observe changes in our urine.

Let's begin

Urine is a waste product formed by the body which helps in the elimination of excessive fluid. It is a yellowish colour substance that helps in removing salt and many other byproduct from the body.

As urine helps in eliminating waste product from the body, It can as well be use in analysing our health condition by telling us the state of our body.

Most times whenever you visit the hospital you are always being directed to get your urine sample in order to be used for diagnosis. This is to enable the doctor in finding out what exactly is the cause of the ailments.

Urine test is a test done to determine the internal state of a human. This test helps to identify the abnormal range of any substances found inside the body.

In our body system, things are being regulated to be in it's normal range, but when any substance is elevated or increases beyond the usual amount, it definitely turns out to become a problem to the body.
Take for instance, protein, an organic compound found in the body. If in anyway this substance is found in the urine of a person, it is simply an indication that there is problem somewhere in the body. This is because it is a substance meant not to be found in the urine.

Urine test which is also known as urinalysis are basically grouped into three main types which are macroscopic, microscopic and dipstick. Each and everyone of this types has a very important reason why we do that.


This is simply a physical examination of urine. This test is done to check out for bloody urine, foamy urine and cloudy urine. Each and every one of this observation is an indication of a disease condition

dipstick test

This is a test done to determine the content found in urine by using a strip coated with chemicals. The strip is made up of blood, protein, urobilinogen,ketone, glucose, nitrite,pH, bilirubin and ascorbic acid.
Any substance that is beyond the normal range in the body appears in urine indicating there is problem somewhere.


This is a substance produced by the breakdown of hemoglobin. This substance is meant to be excreted in bile. Presence of it in urine is as a result of kidney problem.


This is also applicable to protein, presence of protein in urine is an indication of kidney diseases.


Cells in the body is structured to absorb glucose from the blood for adequate circulation. When the cells can not be able to do that, your body starts burning fats for energy which produces a substance called ketone which appears in the urine or blood of an individual.


This is the measurement of the amount of acid in urine. Any ph above the expected range is an indication of kidney stone or kidney related disease.


Presence of urobilinogen is as a result of kidney disease or infection.

ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid in urine does not really have much indication. It is as a result of intake of vitamin C before collecting the urine sample.


Presence of glucose in urine tells you that the amount of glucose in your blood is above thresholds. The threshold of glucose before it appears in urine is 180mg/dl. Once the glucose exceeds that it therefore appears in urine which is an indication of diabetes mellitus.


Nitrite in urine signifies bacteria infection. This is as a result of bacteria in the urinary tract.


Blood in urine may mean a lot. It can be as a result of bacteria or parasitic infection. Sometimes blood in urine could be as a result of kidney related infection.

All this explanations is to tell us what your urine can tell about your body using the dipstick method

microscopic view of urine

This is a method where by a drop of urine is placed on clean slide for microscopic examination through the use of microscope.
In this, you check out for red blood cell, white blood cell and cast. Each and everyone of them found in urine is a representation of a disease condition.
Red blood cells in urine is a sign of kidney disease, infection or bladder cancer.
White blood cell or pus cells shows the presence of infection in the persons blood stream.
While cast can as well be as a result of kidney disorder

Both the microscopic method or dipstick method can show what is actually wrong with the person,so as to commence treatment.


Checking yourself regularly is very important not just only urine. Visiting the hospital to examine yourself helps you to find out what your problem might be and to commence an immediate treatment.

what your urine says about you and your health
urine examination


We can actually avoid a lot of great illnesses by simply paying attention to our body, and something as simple as our urine can easily help us realize when something is going wrong, thanks for the educating post.


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Mysteriously, we do not worry about this type of things, and it is there where our negligence to discover the problem ends up causing serious health problems to our organisms. Thank you @hillaryisidore for this educational post.


Though I have come to realize that most people don't really bother to check their health status on time until it turns out to be worse.

Ahahah. This sounds like me! Although as soon as I can walk, I don’t do any checks except basic self-tests. I however have the chance to have a personal nurse at home who is ready to bring me to light when needed… This being said, I have never made any urine test at home, as we do checks by other means.

Thanks for this instructive blog by the way. Cheers!
