Crypto Investing Week 48


Last Week

Again prices keep exploding and we made great profits from it. I also was able to update to risk model I am using. This means that our predictions remain the same, but we choose more balanced positions to minimise risk optimised for this application of a fixed fund that has no income. Note that most people do have an income and this allows them to take more risk.


Prices and Funds

BTC = 11097.61 -> 11773.66
ETH = 330.91 -> 394.27

Starting Funds: 10000

Strategy I: Full $
10415.48 -> 10430.10
Strategy II: Full BTC
11863.35 -> 12586.05
Strategy III: My Analysis
20750.28 -> 24049.62
Strategy IV: My Analysis including Ethereum
22456.02 -> 30926.39


We remain bullish and expect great opportunities in eth. Note that due to the update of our risk model we do not go as long as in previous weeks.
Please note that this is not financial advice. I am just testing some statistical methods and documenting them here. Everyone has their own situation that prefers more or less risk. Everyone has their own goals. Without knowing these there is no way to find the right investment plan for YOU.

My test strategies for the week are:

Strategy I: Full $ @ 4.28% annual interest
Strategy II: Full BTC @ 0.01% annual interest
Strategy III: My Analysis
Long Bitcoin 100% @ 0.01% annual interest
Strategy IV: My Analysis including Ethereum
Long ETH 100% @ 0.06% annual interest
