Partisan News: Like Sugar and Porn


We live in a time where we have the ability to indulge nonstop in the news that makes us feel good. By feel good, I mean news that stimulates our sense of political righteousness. Such indulgence for liberal-leaners might be regular updates on negative Trump news. ("Haha, you see that? He's such an idiot!") For more conservative folk this might be regular negative news about the various Democratic presidential candidates. ("Whoa, you see how stupid all these clowns are?")
Almost all of this news is negative. We see the same with stories addressing the issues of our time (immigration, climate, etc.).

People sometimes say they wished all this politically-tainted news would go away. But it's not going anywhere. You know what else isn't going anywhere? Pornography. And you know what else isn't going anywhere? Sugary foods.

They say we have an obesity epidemic, because for the first time in human history, we have the luxury of having way more food than we need. Some people take too much advantage of this.

Now with the internet, we have unlimited entertainment--including adult entertainment. Many are harming themselves because of their over-indulgence in this area as well.

Just as we have the luxury to choose to overstimulate our food and sex pleasure zones, so, too, can we now do the same for our egoic, "politically-righteous zone". And just as we've had to discipline ourselves toward the first two areas (or suffer the consequences), so, too, is it now up to us to moderate our intake of similarly-stimulating news. This may include replacing some of this "sugary" news with stories that are "healthier".

I'll be working on my stories that do try to avoid today's trend of becoming mere shallow stimulation.


Saw a thing online, some former prison inmates talking about the jarring things they experienced when they were released after a decade or more. The lunacy of the news media was brought up by one former inmate. Said it seemed outright ridiculous.
