Getting to know the Red-eared Slider Turtles. (ENG-ESP)


Video taken by me at Los Chorros de Milla Zoo, Merida, Venezuela edited in the GIF app. / Video tomado por mí en el zoológico los Chorros de Milla, Mérida, Venezuela editado en la app GIF

Greetings to all dear friends, my name is Doris and this is my first post in this interesting community, although I have been following it for some time, because I am a faithful admirer of nature and all its beauty. Today I would like to tell you about a species of turtle that caught my attention during my recent visit to the zoo, whose experience I shared a few days ago, you can take a look at it if you wish.
Un saludo a todos queridos amigos, mi nombre es Doris y esta es mi primera publicación en esta interesante comunidad, aunque la sigo hace un tiempo, porque soy una fiel admiradora de la naturaleza y toda su belleza. Hoy quisiera hablarles de una especie de tortuga que llamo mucho mi atención, durante mi reciente visita al zoológico, cuya experiencia compartí hace algunos días, pueden darle un vistazo si así lo desean.

My visit to Los Chorros de Milla Zoo. Mérida - Venezuela (ENG/ESP)

In this experience I met the so-called red-eared turtles, so called because of the spot on their ears, they were sunbathing, they looked calm, serene, they seemed to enjoy every ray of light that reached them, I had never seen them, nor heard of them, so I was very curious to know about them.
En esta experiencia conocí a las llamadas tortugas orejas rojas, llamadas así por la mancha presente en sus orejas, estaban tomando el sol, se veían tranquilas, serenas, parecía que disfrutaban de cada rayito de luz que llegaba a ellas, nunca las había visto, tampoco escuchado de ellas, así que me causo mucha curiosidad saber de ellas.

Banner located at the zoo's pond / Pancarta ubicada en el estanque del zoológico

Photographs taken by me at Chorros de Milla Zoo, Merida Venezuela of the Red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans).

Inside the zoo I learned that their scientific name is Trachemys scripta elegans and that they come from the United States, this makes me think about the capacity that some animals may have to adapt to a totally different ecosystem, I wonder to what extent this may interfere in their lifespan, in their evolutionary development and how this may even affect the dynamics of the ecosystem in general.

I heard that these mysterious freshwater turtles are considered an invasive species, I could not believe this as they can become invasive, I reflected. Well, nature never ceases to amaze me, so this concern remained circling in my head, so I tried to investigate and read a little more about them.

Dentro del zoológico conocí que su nombre científico es Trachemys scripta elegans y que provienen de los Estados Unidos, esto me hace pensar en la capacidad que pueden llegar a tener algunos animales para adaptarse a un ecosistema totalmente diferente, me pregunto hasta que punto esto puede interferir en su promedio de vida, en su desarrollo evolutivo y como puede esto afectar incluso la dinámica del ecosistema en general.

Escuche que estas misteriosas tortugas de agua dulce son consideradas una especie invasiva, no podía creer esto como pueden llegar a ser invasivas, reflexioné. Pues la naturaleza, nunca deja de sorprenderme, así que esta inquietud quedo dando vueltas en mi cabeza, por lo que trate de investigar y leer un poco más sobre ellas.

Grupo de tortugas tomando el sol

They are as beautiful as mysterious, they are native to the Southwest of the United States and also live in some regions of Mexico, but they are more popular than I thought, it turns out that for years, these exotic creatures have been distributed in different countries of the world, you know humans consider having the power to choose which animal can be your pet, without considering at least study more about the species, their care, their food, their size and simply realizing that they can not take care of it, they release them and incorporate them into an ecosystem to which these animals do not belong.
Son tan hermosas, como misteriosas, son originarias del Suroeste de Estados Unidos y también hacen vida en algunas regiones de México, pero son más popular de lo que supuse, resulta que desde hace años, estas exóticas criaturas se han ido distribuyendo en distintos países del mundo, ya saben el ser humano considera tener el poder de elegir que animal puede ser su mascota, sin considerar al menos estudiar más acerca de la especie, sus cuidados, su alimentación, su tamaño y simplemente al percatarse que no pueden cuidarla, los liberan y los incorporan a un ecosistema a los cuales estos animales no pertenecen.

Grupo de tortugas tomando el sol

But why do they call it invasive?

¿Pero por qué le llaman invasivas?

From my inexperienced opinion, I consider that these beautiful turtles are a very strong, imposing, dominant species, with an incredible capacity for survival, they are omnivorous animals, that is to say, they feed on fish, amphibians, algae, in short, they are predators by nature, that is why they are considered a danger to the native species of each region, and may even cause their extinction. But why call them invasive or harmful, the invasion comes first of all from man and his imperious need to disrupt the balance of nature, interrupting the functioning of ecosystems and altering biodiversity. Sometimes we forget that there is a powerful reason why some species originate in some places and not in others.

Desde mi inexperta opinión, considero que estas bellas tortugas, son una especie muy fuerte, imponente, dominantes, con una capacidad de supervivencia increíble, son animales omnívoros, es decir, se alimentan de peces, anfibios, algas, en fin son depredadores por naturaleza, es por esto que se consideran un peligro para las especies autóctonas de cada región, pudiendo causar incluso su extinción. Pero porque denominarlas, invasoras o dañinas, la invasión proviene en primer lugar del hombre y en su imperiosa necesidad de interrumpir el equilibrio de la naturaleza, interrumpiendo en el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas y alterando la biodiversidad. A veces olvidamos que existe una poderosa razón por la cual algunas especies se originan en algunos sitios y en otros no.


I was delighted to learn about this species. In this zoo they are in a pond located in a place where they can sunbathe pleasantly, their size is medium and I really like the oval that forms their shell. They live in this pond with some fish and my son was fascinated with them, especially because he is familiar with morrocoys or red-footed land turtles.
Me encanto conocer esta especie. En este zoológico se encuentran en un estanque ubicado en un sitio donde pueden tomar el sol placenteramente, su tamaño es mediano y me gusta mucho el óvalo que forma su caparazón. Conviven en este estanque con algunos peces y mi hijo estaba fascinado con ellas, sobre todo porque está familiarizado con los morrocoys o tortugas terrestres de patas rojas.

Estanque de agua dulce - refugio ubicado en los Chorros de Milla

Nature is definitely amazing, every species that inhabits this planet is unique, special and deserves respect, every living being is really interesting and can surprise you like these peculiar turtles.

It has been a pleasure to share with you, all the pictures were taken by me at Los Chorros de Milla Zoo, located in Merida, Venezuela. Complete the information by consulting the following research work that I found on the web.

Silent invaders: presence of the red-eared slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) in Valdivia

La naturaleza definitivamente es asombrosa, cada especie que habita este planeta es único, especial y merece respeto, cada ser vivo es realmente interesante y puede llegar a sorprenderte como estas peculiares tortugas.

Ha sido un placer compartir con ustedes, todas las fotografías fueron tomadas por mí en el Zoológico Los Chorros de Milla, ubicado en Mérida, Venezuela. Complemente la información consultando el siguiente trabajo de investigación que encontré en la web.

Invasores silenciosos: presencia de la tortuga de orejas rojas (Trachemys scripta elegans) en Valdivia .

Estanque de agua dulce - refugio ubicado en los Chorros de Milla

Translated on DeepL, in its free version

Navy and Pink Floral Wedding Brunch Facebook Cover.jpg


Watch out for the human traffickers at hivefest. You wont know it until its too late. STAY AWAY! Beware, traffickers can be women or men! They will act nice until they dont. There is human trafficking going on around this type of crypto. I have witnessed it. They literally have attempted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. ..... if you run into one of them you may want to immediately shoot them in the face. 187, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, behead, bleed, bludgeon, boil, bomb, bone, burn, bury, butcher, cap, casket, choke, chop, club, crucify, crush, curb, decapitate, decimate, deflesh, demolish, destroy, devein, disembowel, dismember, drown, electrocute, eliminate, end, euthanize, eviscerate, execute, explode, exterminate, extinguish, finish, fry, grind, guillotine, gut, hack, hang, hit, ice, implode, incinerate, kill, liquidate, lynch, massacre, maul, microwave, mutilate, neutralize, obliterate, off, pop, poison, punnish, quarter, ruin, shank, shock, shoot, shred, skin, slay, slaughter, smoke, smother, snipe, snuff, squish, stab, strangle, stone, suffocate, suicide, SWAT, swing, terminate, torture, terrorize, whack, waste, wreck. You better fucking kill me.


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Thank you for your support. I will gladly support you.


We appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by zoology team (oscurity,nelinoeva) on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

I congratulate you for complying with the rules of the community, it is a post with a scientific approach, a very interesting fact about invasive species! In addition to placing the bibliographic source from which you extract the information! keep up the good work!


Thank you very much. I'm glad to hear that you liked the first post for the community. It was a pleasure to share with you the little I learned about turtles. Happy week and success


Hello @doriangel!

a good approach to understand how a species can be invasive
We appreciate your work and your post was manually curated by @none! from the DNA team!

Reach us on Discord to learn more about the project!


Thank you very much for your support. Yes, I really didn't think this species was invasive.
