RE: HOW Do Angels Sing?


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Since we are entering the realm of speculation, perhaps angels - being the powerful entities that they are - don't actually "sing" in the sense we understand it, but instead project song directly into our brains or consciousness. Which might also explain how one person will insist they heard something while someone right next to them hears only silence.

Love this kind of exploratory thinking, though!


Hey Friend!

Thanks for dropping by in the shape of a very cool comment!

"perhaps angels... project song directly into our brains or consciousness."

Yes, that possibility strikes me as well within the realm of possibility, and perhaps even very likely... Kind of reminds me of the account(s) of the Apostle Paul in which he and his companions were in exactly the same place, but had utterly different experiences ( Acts 9:7, Acts 22:6-11).

"Love this kind of exploratory thinking, though!"

Thanks, me too... and it always helps getting others involved because our shared ideas spark even more ideas.😀

Your remarks stirred me to recall the following comment from The Book:

"Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?" - Hebrews 1:14

The term translated ministering spirits is the Greek λειτουργικὰ πνεύματα which could be literally translated as "winds" or "breaths" that serve. Which further reminded me of this:

"He makes the winds His messengers,
    Flaming fire His ministers."
- Psalm 104:4"*

And so, with both "wind" and "fire" coming into play in the description of God's agents, not only do I have plasma to speculate about, but air as well... and if an entity is composed of "living air," I would be bold to speculate that it could certainly cause that air to vibrate in a speech/song-modulated fashion...😀

So, @denmarkguy, thanks again for playing!😀🙏


