Watching The Money Come In


Original Apple Watch


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It's been two years since my brother passed up this little gem to me. He had upgraded to the latest version and no longer had use for it. Personally I was never going to buy one, but I was glad to take it off him.

Before this, I had stopped wearing a wristwatch for many years. Ironically, and like many people, it was because of my iPhone that I stopped wearing watches. Smartphones made a lot of gadgets redundant - cameras, mp3 players, radios, portable televisions, e.t.c.

It turns out it's the "smart" part and not the "phone" part that's key. Wristwatches saw a comeback when they too became smart. Smartwatches like the Apple Watch bring a lot of added value, making them relevant again.

From notifications to monitoring to remote control, they've become essential to many people. The number one thing I use my Apple Watch for, even more than telling the time, is controlling what's happening in my ear. All the apps I use to listen to podcasts, books or music can be controlled from the watch.

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Also, having a smartwatch is like owning many standard watches in one. I like the ability to change the face from a more classic look, or an easier to read digital watch. the original Apple Watch doesn't have it's own sim card, so it depends on my iPhone for anything that requires the Internet. A lot can be done locally on the phone though. Even this old one has an accelerometer and can monitor heart rate. It also seems to think I stop breathing periodically since it alerts me to "breathe!" now and again. If ind that quite funny actually.

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Yet another joy of having this little thing on my wrist is when it alerts me of incoming money - a PayPal payment when I sell something on eBay, or an upvote from Appics for instance.

Peace & Love,

