Congrats to Tipit on the propsoal I helped write, to get on Telos! 50,000 Telos + Incredible Video about Life beyond Earth forwarded to me from Mark from


Congrats to @tipit for the now increasingly successful Telos @tipitbot proposal i helped write, to get telos onto tipit and telos tokens :) This will help steem as well as I plan on a STEEMP telos peg, with steem on telos as the new way to get a TELOSDAC STEEMP system where steemians can participate in a dac by withdrawing STEEM to Steem as TELOS steem :)


hahah our TELOS attack of the CLONES will take out eos and just TAKE OVER! :D

We will also have BTCP and LTCP and EOSP on telos AND we will help get the TELOS FOUNDATIOn and Telos Constitution and arbitration system INTO STEEM because its BADLY needed. AND we will soon have ENg and DEC on EOS and MAYBE I can help get telos monsters started if i slow down and think of a great way to create TELOS centric project that can be similar to steem monsters. I think that if we were able to get someone who understand how steem monsters works, i can pay then thousands of dollars per month to help work on it. $30,000 is the actual number to beat for a few months of work ,to create a game as good as steem monsters but working on telos. anyone who wants to help., come at me bro! ask for ackza and aka

Im just in awe

So Stars are the ultimate inflationary shitcooin, 100 trillion max supply!

Its like the whole galaxy is one big DVD that gets read by the laser of Time.... also amazing that a few million years after big bang the ENTIRE universe was like 80 degrees for millions of years in all directions and there was massive amounts of waters in pockets possibly planets and stars as old as the big bang ... even rogue planets that could live in the WARMTH of space.... imagine space as WARM....

So cool to imagine earth this long ago!

Come to @tipit telegram and talk to some really inspiring psychedelic developers! (I can even tip STEEMP thanks to them! )
