Tesla autonomous


'Is autonomous driving safe?' More and more vehicles are being applied in stages of autonomous driving technology. An interesting questionnaire was released about autonomous driving, which is a convenient feature but continues to question safety.

Bloomberg surveyed 5,000 Tesla 's Model 3' vehicle users, who are most actively applying autonomous driving technology, for safety and convenience of autonomous driving. Safe experiences are shared with dangerous situations and answers are diverted. But more than half of the overall experience is satisfactory.


Tesla Model 3

According to the survey, 13% of respondents said they had experienced dangerous situations when using Tesla's autonomous mode 'autopilot'. On the other hand, 28% of the respondents said that autopilot functionality saved them from dangerous situations.

A European driver shared a negative experience while driving on a highway at 130 km / h, saying that Autopilot mode suddenly reduced its top speed to 50 km / h.


Tesla autopilot sensor description image

Another driver in California, USA, responded positively to the autopilot experience, saying that the vehicle automatically detected objects in the road in the fog, decelerating, and changing lanes.

Tesla's latest comment on the 'Smart Summon' feature has been difficult to say yet. Smart calling is a function that allows the driver to find and drive the vehicle by itself instead of directly in the car in the parking lot. The smartphone app allows the driver to stop the vehicle during autonomous driving.


Tesla smart calling feature image consumerreports.org

In an additional survey of 1732 Model 3 users, Bloomberg found that 70 percent said smart calling was a useful feature, but only 41 percent said it was reliable for the average driver. The media said that one respondent to the function was 'like a tense teenager with an educational license'.

Tesla has announced that it will unveil full autonomous driving this year. Elon Musk Tesla, the CEO of the third quarter, announced that he will provide full autonomous driving technology to some Tesla vehicles before the new year. There are also negative comments that some are experimenting with Tesla drivers.


Ilon Musk Tesla CEO

Tesla currently offers two types of autopilot packages. By default, it features lane keeping and advanced cruise control. To experience 'Full Self-Driving', there is an additional upgrade fee of $ 7000 based on US price and autopilot driving capability. It is the ability to change lanes or automatically enter the highway according to the route.

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