Testing out FullAlt sharing app.


I just recently stumbled upon a blog post about a new app developed by FullAlt which is connected to the steem blockchain and claims to be able to post from other social media sites and websites to your steem page sort of like that app share2steem which mysteriously disappeared a while back.

If this works, or eventually works... I think the implications could be massively important and helpful for steem and crypto and just making peoples social media jobs significantly easier!

This is perfect for me if it works how I hope it does as I manually post to all the different social media I'm on and this new app might allow me to make that process a lot easier! I don't totally understand how this works yet, and I need to play around with this and learn more... Yet... The potential here is epic I think!

I'm super excited about the possibilities this offers and I was recently looking for a program like this and was disappointed to see share2steem disappeared.

Going to test this out now and make a post and then I might make another one in a short while if it all works how it's suppose to. I hope it works! :D

Read more:
Introducing: AltYes - The New Way to Share Your Content — SteemitHome
Hello World. Wide. Web. We are FullAlt, here today, to introduce you to our first product - AltYes. We have every… by fullalt

Source: https://steemit.com

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