Zoom has got mass adoptation during Covid-19 pandemic


While most of our lucky colleagues, friends and family are working from home during Covid-19 pandemic, Zoom Video Communications has rapidly emerged as internet gold mine.


In first quarter of 2020, Zoom's revenue jumped to more than double to $328 million as compared to last year. Due to this surge, Zoom has achieved market value of $59 billion. This value is greater than combined market value of 04 largest US airlines whose business got damaged by coronavirus. According to company press report, It had 266,000 corporate customers untill end of April 2020.The company is founded by Eric Yuan in 2011.


However some schools had stopped using Zoom due to some privacy problems. Most famous issue is "Zoom-bombing" in which unathorized user intrude in private video calls. SpaceX has also banned Zoom due to privacy issues.

However Zoom has introduced some security features to cope users concerns. It has started screening waiting rooms for video participants before call starts. According to report, around 100,000 schools are using this tool for their online classes.

Another popular feature of Zoom is that it offers free version when around 42 million people have lost their jobs in USA and they can't offord to buy premium services.

Zoom is working with several security experts to protect the privacy of its customers. However, it is also facing tough competition with giant companies like Google, Microsoft and Facebook. It is upto customer to find the right software for video conference. Skype, Talky and Webex are also famous alternatives.


Great research. Yes Zoom is going great in covid-19 pandemics.
