Emerging technologies of 21st Century


The world is changing rapidly. The current pace of development is one of the greatest in human history. It took more than 50 years to make electrical and electronic devices a part of our daily lives. It took 18 years of hard work for color television to make its place in human life. It took 20 years for mobile phones and laptops to reach the common man. But now it is not the same. The world is rapidly changing its colors. When it comes to change, education, agriculture, energy, banking, health and even fashion are changing rapidly. There is no area of ​​life in the world where change is not happening. All these changes are due to technology.

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Here are some of the emerging technologies that will take human life to new heights in the next few years:

1. Big Data: Generally, the term big data is used for data packets which are larger than the capabilities of traditional databases. But in the last few years, the meaning of big data has changed completely. Now big data includes not only data but also all the tools necessary to secure and process data. The amount of data generated by various organizations is increasing exponentially day by day. On the contrary, the cost of protecting this data is decreasing year by year. ۔

2. 3D Printing 3D: 3D Printing is done using the digital files in the computer to create an object with three angles in which a special printer is used. These items are made from plastics to metals and even human cells are being used in the manufacture of various items in modern times. 3D printing is being used in all walks of life including health, fashion and auto industry. The 3D printing industry is a 3.1 billion industry that is growing at a rate of 35% per year. It is expected that by next year, 3D printed houses and internal human organs will also be seen.

3. Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the most important item used in the robotics industry. In the current era, the artificial intelligence of robots is touching the natural intelligence of human beings and it is expected that in the next few years, robots will also acquire the ability to think, understand and feel like human beings.

4. MEMS: Micro-Electro-Mechanical System consists of microcomputers, including some mechanical instruments such as valves, pumps, gears etc. An example of MEMS is the Mini Robot. It is expected that a wide range of MEMS will be available in the healthcare sector soon.

5. Biotechnology: Biotechnology in general is related to Biology. It is due to biotechnology that the world today understands the Cells System to such an extent that products are now being developed that can improve the lives of the world and the organisms that inhabit it. Biotechnology is still in its infancy but in the near future it is expected that biotechnology will make rapid progress. Thanks to biotechnology, human beings today are able to diagnose incurable diseases and take steps to improve the environment.

Thank you for reading! Stay Safe!👋😌
