Bye bye Windows XP and bye bye Toshiba Satelitte A60-122 (2004-2020)

Today was the day I sent my first PC for recycling

It was a Toshiba Satelitte A60-122 that my parents bought me years ago for Christmas when I was studying at the university. Yes, it had installed Windows XP, the most popular Microsoft operating system that was launched in 2001.


Back in 2004 this Toshiba was a great machine:

  • Intel Pentium 4 532 3.06 GHz
  • ATI Mobility Radeon 7000 IGP
  • RAM: 512 MB / 1.25 GB (max)
  • Storage: 40GB
  • 15" TFT screen

Despite its weight (3,5kg!!) I was so happy with my first computer!
Do you know how it sounded? Just like this!!


I've been postponing this day for years but when one has to home move...all the old crap has to:

  1. be used,
  2. be donated, or
  3. disposed of...this was the case!

More than 10 years have passed since I stop using this Toshiba!
My mother still used it for a while, but most of the time it was there, on a shelf waiting for its turn.


I wrote my graduate work on this computer and it was the one I used in my first job. So...the minimum I could do was shooting some photos and write a few words for my future me :)

What do you use to do to your old informatic material!?

  • One of the reasons I postponed this day was related to my belief that my information could be stolen from the hard drive, even if I had cleaned it.

  • The second is related to the destiny of the materials...
    Once I saw a documentary about how the so-called developed countries treat their informatic waste. Long story short: that material is being sent to India, Pakistan and so on, to be treated without any health and security care.

I'm not sure if the company that received my computer will treat the components in a proper way, but I will start following their work and look for news related to try to understand if I made a good choice. I really hope so!! In that case, I'll be the first to recommend their services!

Meanwhile, this was the last photo on my Toshiba desktop...

... and the shutdown sound.

Bye Bye Windows XP...


O meu Toshiba tem mais de 10 anos e ainda se aguenta bem! Já pensei em trocá-lo umas quantas vezes... mas para já ainda vai dando conta do recado!


Fogo, quem me dera! Substitui este Toshiba em 2009 por um Sony Vaio e também esse está agora encostado à espera de dias melhores (i.e. tirar o Windows Vista!).

Precipitei-me na altura a comprar o Sony Vaio porque achei que o Toshiba tinha morrido...mas afinal apenas precisava de um transformador novo :) I was young and more silly than now ;)


Ehehehehe. Este Toshiba é um dinossauro rijo... até eu estou espantado como é que ele ainda se aguenta tão bem. Meti-lhe um SSD e ganhou anos de vida!


O meu tem 6anos e está agora a ser reparado porque as mais recentes actualizações do windows 10 quase rebentaram com ele.😡
