Would free will in the development and use of artificial intelligence allow the increase of illegal practices?


Would free will in the development and use of artificial intelligence allow the increase of illegal practices?


Before giving my opinion on this question, I would like to refer to an event that occurred a few decades ago:

I want to go specifically to the years 1940-45, in the middle of World II, and specifically to that place in Co history or the space where more murders occurred than anywhere else in human history, "Auschwitz".

There is a well known doctor who had a very important role for the Nazi regime, this was the nicknamed Doctor Mengele, or how the angel of death was also known.

At that specific moment in human history, because there were no ethical standards or guidelines for human experimentation, the most terrible researches were carried out, all for the sake of science, among so many horrible things done (resistance to high temperatures, to pepper gas, injections of chloroform directly into the heart, injections of liquid cement directly into the uterus as a method of sterilization), there was something that particularly caught the attention of this personage, and that was the possibility of creating identical twins to expand the Aryan race faster... it was not until the end of the war in 1945 that these studies on twins ceased. Although there is data that says that Me huele fled to Brazil, and continued with them.

I make this introduction because it seems reasonable to me to see a context in which there are no rules or regulations in the exercise and development within any area. Now, in this case I want to talk specifically about Artificial Intelligence.

Recently the European Union has made the announcement that it will issue a white paper with some guidelines to avoid falling into excesses in the use and abuse of the IA, according to what I have read the following aspects are those who want to implement certain regulations is the labeling of new creations after an assessment of whether or not it complies with ethical standards, another aspect is to try to standardize the use in public authorities and different authorities, applications that have to do with security and important sectors such as police, judicial, transport and health ...


My opinion about it:

I don't know if it's all right, in everything there are always positions for and against, and this case is no exception. Considering how fast technology is currently evolving I think that this "regulatory framework " should always be subject to permanent changes to avoid falling into limitations that more than regulate rather than prevent development for the common good.

If we consider the importance that artificial intelligence currently has in almost all areas of our lives, how it manages to be in every field, we will realize that it is difficult to take it out of this world that is becoming more and more technological.

It is present since we wake up with the alarm of our mobile phones, with the use of ATMs, the traffic lights that tell us to stop or go.
In such simple and complex things we can achieve it, well, my doubt is whether there really is not a regulatory framework:

can it easily lend itself to increasing the amount of illegal acts from this increase?

If you don't consider ethics within technology, what are you going to do?

I'd like to know your opinion about it, you can leave it in the comments.

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The moral problems associated with scientific advances are always a problem to discuss, I still remember when discussing in a class about the history of anesthesia and I was surprised that there were those who opposed its use due to the idea that it was not due interfere with pain during medical procedures.

Sometimes, I think of ethics as a philosophical reflection of the morality of each society in its particular historical time, so I think it is a changing thing, for now what we consider ethically correct already in a future time may not be, that is why I am thoughtful how useful the regulations, regulations or orientations that are given in this current time with respect to the future moment will be when the AI reaches beyond what we can imagine today.


The history of medicine is full of examples that should not be judged with the current vision, laws and ethics, in that I agree.

Each stage of history has its nuances, and they respond to a specific context.

This reflects what you say, Professor, that what may be normal, ethical or necessary today will most likely not be in a few years (or perhaps a few months or weeks).


Even so, I am in favor of having a regulatory framework or at least some guidelines of what is considered acceptable and that is not considered acceptable in our current timpo.

I prefer to have a legal framework or an ethical decalogue of reference that has nothing and leave everything in a situation of application of the "Law of the strongest" in which each actor within reality does what he wants according to the brute force he has to impound their desires and actions over others.


I also think it is necessary, although the laws always go behind the innovations and more when it comes to technology.


Laws are made after a crime is discovered, I remember that it was something that an old professor told me, no laws are made for what is not yet a crime or does not yet exist as a palpable reality, so it always happens that the laws go behind events and transformations.


Something very basic you say, and with enormous logic. You're quite right.


The problem with AI is not that they will control us or become Skynet that will end our future, it is the fear that they will take our jobs. And how will it do that? Well, for companies it is very convenient to reduce the costs that employees carry, not only in salaries but also in compensations, insurance, pensions, etc. And the best way to reduce these salaries is by acquiring new technologies. We already saw this in the factories many years ago with the use of process automation. And many employees lost their jobs.

As long as it is a profitable business for companies I don't think there is any limit to the development of AI not even on the moral or ethical side.

Thanks for sharing :)


Thank you for your comment, it complements a lot. Indeed, in the end the powerful end up having the last word guided by economics alone. Most of the time.
It is unfortunate but real.


Clearly the rules of the use of the new technologies must be set. Also drones, cryptos, fintech, genetic engineering etc.
I don't understand something in your post:



Thank you very much for that quote '@deathcross...
The name is Mengele, Dr. Mengele and they nicknamed him the A gel of death.
I've already corrected. I guess the dictionary played a bad trick on me, but I didn't realize it until you told me.


hi @josevas217

a very controversial issue and I will tell you that I think it is inevitable that AI should be used for crime, I am more faithful believer that it is necessary that it be used for these purposes since in this way you can generate better security methods and Ways to combat these episodes, therefore they are very necessary to occur, seen in the context that will help us improve.
I am also convinced that this will happen in gigantic steps due to all the globalization and speed in which things happen today.

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