More excuse for technology and technocracy.



All this election bullshit will be yet another excuse for more technology... for Blockchain voting, more tracking, more surveillance. Problem – Reaction - Solution. Your vote already means little… Under further technocratic controls, it will mean much less.

Biden and Harris (but all politicians, for that matter) are to varying degrees pliable avatars of the Technocracy. They say what they are told to say… and what they are told to say matches the propaganda that has prepared the way for them… every step of the way.

This is NOT a red & blue issue… This is a fear & tyranny issue... and every time the technocracy is able to frame a “political” issue as a technological one, they have you exactly where they want you.

Is there any way to avoid it? I don’t know. You just have to trust your intuition and stay intimately connected with the real.
