#CGI2022 The Bankers Creating a Digital World Order ... #STWT 230 Segment


#CGI2022 The Bankers Creating a Digital World Order ... #STWT 230 Segment

digital world order.jpeg

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The second segment of the night and the main subject of the evening is the transition to a Digital Global Order by means of planetary destruction. So we dove into articles such as Klaus Schwab wanting to microchip children, Biden’s new transhumanist executive order and the South America lithium fields that are needed to make all the batteries. The Grand Theft Auto 6 leak / hack was analyzed and makes us weary about connecting all the agriculture to the grid with smart tech. The bankers are all meeting at #CGI2022 to discuss how best to destroy the planet so they can build it back better. This includes banning any rival currencies to their CBDC’s they are planning, so all stable coins must go.

Full Show: https://hive.blog/stwt/@titusfrost/stwt-230-digital-world-order-via-bankster-designed-global-planetary-destruction

Show Notes: https://hive.blog/shownotes/@titusfrost/show-notes-stwt-230-digital-world-order-via-bankster-designed-global-planetary-destruction

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