Are you publishing STEM content or just shoe-horning to use the STEM tag?


What is shoe-horning?

STEMGeeks is focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. It is important content stays in this niche or all the benefits of having a community are thrown out the window.

When you publish content using the STEM tags, it is important to keep your content on topic and focused on STEM. When you create content that isn't STEM-related and try to throw some blurb in that tries to force it into the STEM niche just so you can use the STEM tag, that is shoe-horning.

A good example of this is a user who submitted a post of a bunch of friends jumping off rocks into the lake. At the end of the post, he put a paragraph about the weather and tagged it as STEM and Meteorology. The post had nothing to do with STEM and just adding a weather-related blurb at the end doesn't change the fact.

There is also a lot of people writing tribes and crypto-related content and just mentioning STEMGeeks so they can use STEM tag. Mentioning STEMGeeks in your post about crypto prices don't make it a STEM post.

For STEMGeeks to reward good content well it can't be rewarding unrelated and bad content thus diluting rewards for good content. I will not be shy about flagging posts that are not STEM-related.

Maintaining strong moderation to keep content on topic will result in the best experience for those who spend the time creating good quality STEM-related content. If I didn't do this, I would be doing stakeholders a disservice and ultimately would dilute rewards for everyone.

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Well, there are several high reputation users who do it. I have a downvoted a couple of posts when I felt that some tags were used inappropriately but I don't see that you feel the same (otherwise the rewards would have been removed) so there is no point for me to try to curate the content of high powered users.

And it's pretty obvious that they are not STEM posts.


You folks sure make blogging a science ;)


@stemgeeks Does Steem blockchain related programming count?

Posted using Partiko iOS


If you are talking about how you build something and solving problems, it is certainly STEM but just dropping your source code, not really.


Yeah...I wrote a post about trying to buy the STEM token and being frustrated with how shitty the interface is and tagged it with StemGeeks, because that was a major part of it. Little did I know you guys added it to your million and one tags. Then I didn't know what would happen if I deleted the I didn't.

I don't even really know what tag to use for talking about that, other than #SteemEngine, which I don't even know if that's a tag really.

And this post shouldn't have the STEM tag either. StemGeeks would put it in the STEM interface anyway.

I don't even tag my posts terrestrially talking about psychology or sociology the environment with the STEM tag, because if they are talking about why people do things, or the environment, it's not like they are focused on the science of it.


There isn't a million and one tags, just the ones relevant. STEM, Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, StemGeeks.

As for this post being tagged for STEM, it is talking about STEM content, and as an admin of the community it is very hard to avoid meta discussions. All the rewards on this account are burned though so it is a moot issue.

Meta discussion about stem token and stemgeeks is bound to happen and I'm not opposed to it and it being tagged, it's when hundreds of people do it just to get some STEM tokens I have a problem with it.
