The Best Headphones I’ve Ever Owned | Apple AirPods Pro Review


Last week, Apple quietly launched the new Airpods Pro. I almost missed the launch entirely, but I happened to be on the Apple website on that day.

I have owned the first generation AirPods since they came out. I’m very particular about my headphones and audio accessories, so the AirPods were an interesting add to the mix. I always hated earbud headphones because of the poor sound quality and inability to cancel sounds from the world around me.

While the original AirPods lacked in the noise cancellation department, the sound quality was good overall and the convenience factor of just popping in 2 little earbuds and wearing them all day led me to essentially ditch all my other headphones.

I’ve used those original AirPods for 8+ hours every single day since I got them. I used them for phone calls, music, podcasts and audiobooks. I used them when I was at home, walking around, at the gym, etc.

When I saw the AirPods Pro and did some research, I realized that these could be a game changer. I’ve absolutely loved the experience of the original AirPods, but as I said — they lack the key feature of noise cancellation.

When I’m at a crowded gym or walking around the town, I can hear everything going on. If there are loud things going on around me, I have a hard time hearing music and it’s near impossible to hear a podcast or audiobook. Sometimes, phone calls can be rough as well.

The AirPods Pro offer noise cancellation. I ordered them just a few minutes after reading about that feature. I expected the AirPods Pro to be better than the original AirPods in this department, obviously. What I did not expect, however, was to be completely blown away by the feature.

The Inaugural Use:

Two days later, my new AirPods arrived in the mail and I eagerly threw them in and tested the noise cancellation feature.

I was standing in my kitchen and microwaving some food when it turned on and it absolutely blew my mind. The sound of the microwave disappeared into the background and the only thing I could hear was the music coming from my AirPods.

Obviously, the feature is way better than I expected, but I had only used them at home up until this point. I couldn’t wait to head over to the gym and try them out in a crowded place that was blasting music.

So I’m at the gym and I throw the Pods in.

The world literally melted away.

All I could hear was the faintest trace of sound. If someone slammed weights down near me, I could hear a very muffled pounding sound on the ground. With my old AirPods, I would’ve jumped from a sound like that and my music wouldn’t be audible in the slightest.

With the new AirPods… Bliss is sustained and I continued on with my workout.

Phone calls are great and the AirPods work better than advertised in public places. Now I have the opposite problem that I had with the OG pods — if someone tries to get my attention and I have the Pods Pro on noise cancellation, I won’t hear them at all. They’ve got to make eye contact with me or tap me on the shoulder.

Overall, I rate the Pods Pro a 10/10 home run. I always believed that the original AirPods were an absolute game changer for audio on the go. Easily one of the best products Apple has ever made. Now that I have the pro version, the idea of crisp & functional audio on the go is not only reinforced but radically improved.

The best part?

I got them just in time to listen to the Steemfest livestream 🦁


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I've been considering Apple earbuds, I use Apple devices but I am not a fan of Apple so I try to avoid giving them money whenever possible. I also didn't want to be locked even more into Apple ecosystem.


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[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.3.1.1 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.

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2019.10.02.Wed.15:32 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,


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(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.

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Korean version. Latest List is at above.

[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,

Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,

기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.

관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.

hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.

자, 여기서 남는 문제.

남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?


탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.

그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.


그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.

이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.

다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.


@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund

Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork


기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.

스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들

목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.

@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,

@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,

@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,

@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,

@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress, @xeldal, @emrebeyler,

@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,

심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.

혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.

많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.

그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ


(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.

You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )


Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.



I use Beat by Dre and love them.. I've never been a fan of in the ear earphones. Or of Apple for that matter. But I'm glad you got them in time for SF


These are awesome and I use a similar ones to listen to music at work without drawing too much attention to myself or when i don't want to carry around headphones.

I like the noisecancelling best, too. Before these, I used to ise some wired sony ones for that.

However I would like to point out they are earphones and not headphones. Can't really compare.

I actually prefer headphones because they don't bother my ears, they have way better sound, noise cancelling and battery life, and they keep me warm in winter (they are like 100x bigger though) . I also feel like a DJ when wearing them.


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