RE: Cats and quantum computers have more in common that one may think of…


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luring me in with cats right before i'm off to sleep tsk ... cheeky

... i'll leave the tab open for reading tonight but i thought in case you didnt know this might interest you btw ::


I didn't know about this black hole contest. It is a really nice initiative. I hope they will get nice essays from all over the world :)

I am waiting for another comment from you for tomorrow then ;)


well then ... :p i'm honoured to be awaited ...

the schrödingers uncertainty principle (pun intended) has always been a favourite i suppose

(btw i didnt link that to try and make you write an essay for $10k lol , but i just thought you'd like to read it and maybe you know a few people who would, after all who's better equipped in social circles for that than you, good sir :p)

quantumcomputing is probably the next magic word after a.i. and the current 'blockchain' everybody suddenly seems to need to adapt after years of mistrust.
I read quite some about it, and a lot of contradictions like IBM saying the first quantum computer will nullify all encryption while the russians (the guys who simply took a pencil to space instead of spending millions on developing a ballpoint pen to be able to write in near to zero gravity (=lol) are already at this :

As far as i know there is no actual quantum computer 'alive' yet, although i think microsoft (let me google that quickly to be sure) yep :
microsoft has an actual development kit ready while basically the computing exists in theory only so i don't know how anyone could assume they can start developing for it or secure against it ? It's a bit like the old "this is unhackable"-myth i think.

BUT ! (piece de réstistance) for the first time here i actually get why its different from a terniary computer (zee russians again : ) , always the russians isnt it :)
although the chinese have been catching up quickly since the dragon in the east awoke again, about 15 years ago i guess ::

i get the idea, especially when talking to people who live there the old communist country is actually one of the most free markets in the wolrd today, which leads to immense possibilities for innovation and advance (like : ) even if the divide between rich and poor is .. well basically the same as everywhere i suppose , its just a country of 1.3 billion people, so far be it from me to tell them how to run it (i'm quite prime directive --star trek pun intended -- when it comes to things like that , regulation tends to stifle, a protectorate in the end usually protects only those who don't need it ... etc, but im going off topic (that's a first hahah)

what i was saying for the first time now i get why a quantum computer > ternary , i use to joke like 'but we already have the carry bit' (in machine language actually when 1 + 1 = 0 etc...) and whats so different about a third bit that its more than ternary

but its actual potential lies in being analogue if i understand, giving it how many possible actual states ? infinite ?



well i hope i do hahah, please correct me if i'm wrong or if i'm missing the finer details here

but basically a qubit extends to far more than a third bit on top, so there's not three states but a massive number of possibilities due to the nature of the system there ?

i think that concludes my reaction, hope i don't disappoint :)

just in time, daylight dawns , i do my best work at night because even at macro level observed particles don't behave , everythings so quiet in the dark while daylight screems like im bombarded with stray alpha waves (couldnt help a bit of the old metafys heheh thanks a LOT again for your dedication and excellent outstanding work !!!!!)


Nice long comment from you, once again. And I am not disappointed. :)

the schrödingers uncertainty principle (pun intended) has always been a favourite i suppose

I am sure you meant Heisenberg :)

To come back to quantum computers, there are actually prototypes but working only with a very reduced amount of qubits (order 10 I think). For the real thing, we need many more of them and we are still far from this. All the big companies are however on it. I nonetheless hope things will be public ...

what i was saying for the first time now i get why a quantum computer > ternary , i use to joke like 'but we already have the carry bit' (in machine language actually when 1 + 1 = 0 etc...) and whats so different about a third bit that its more than ternary

Actually, he reality is slightly more involved. The basis of my example is made of 0's and 1's. So two elements in total. In the real deal, we can have more then 2 basic elements (one generalizes tue bit-thing). But in short, you go the point ;)


yes i know its heisenberg , its just my sense of crossover meta humour there since its uncertain until the box opens :) so i wasnt too far off but how many combos can you have in "one" qubit ? does that actually mean its infinite since it's an analogue system ? (as opposed to the 0/1 magnetic states of current memory) if you have any link to any article on prototypes i could understand that would be nice too but no bother i can probably look for it myself. It's good to be appreciated. You're clearly one of the steemit treasures hahah


You can see a qbit as a sphere. The North pole is 1 and the South pole is 0. You can be anywhere on the surface, which means you have an infinite amount of possibilities.
