The Centipede // Chilopoda #29


Greetings partners of the community of steemit, welcome again to my blog, where he can find content to the wide universe of the science, mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, philosophy and the general accompanied knowledge of the scientific publication, especially greetings to the community of #steemstem.

Continuing with the work of investigation and photographic papers of the small natural world and of other spaces, For today I share them commonly known as centipede and centipedes, they have an elongated and flat body formed by segments or rings, this species of animal is singular for his anatomy and his structure, since in the species of Lithobiomorpha and Geophilomorpha, these a size can reach in them inform 25 to 30 cm in the Scolopendromorpha. It have been demonstrated that Can possess poison, additionally also at historical level in the field of the bilogía demonstrated a species of quilópodos fossils of the late Silúrico, do approximately 400 to 500 million years, which demonstrates us that it was rolling our natural world historically.

As previously mentioned that possesses a few aniño, of knowing the following thing on this animal and is that thanks to his rings, which are articulated, they can move and writhe as if it was a team of war, in case for the species in which two of his paws possesses very marked that others has demonstrated that have a few glands that are extremely poisonous, another singular thing that also in this already mentioned part lodges his sexual organs. These quilópodos are formed by a pair of jaws and two pairs of maxilas, which are fused in the only piece, also it is necessary to know that the head possesses a cephalic badge. Some species possess side eyes; the species of Geophilomorpha are blind, Scutigeromorpha is characterized for having a pair of compound eyes, it is for it that with the time his immune systems were evolving for his predators.

Since we know when he is a female or a male in this species, since only in the species of Scolopendromorpha they differ in his size, because the female is longer and wider than the male, already having this contribution we can distinguish them.

That it is necessary to know about the species that they are of major size, good that mostly they are poisonous and it is conditioned with following his poisons it contains: acetilcolina, histamina and serotonina. In others very mortal are a species substances are present as: 5-hidroxitriptamina, fosfolipasa hemolítica and cardiotóxica, that can be dangerous, I recommend to him to be careful to moment to have the experience of being contact with some of them.

Since there feed these animals of gardens and of the field these feed of any insect that crawls for the soil, including worms and molluscs, mice.

They reproduce of indirect form by means of the espermatoforos, where the spermatozoids go on from the male to the female. The female usually the eggs in the sand and then surround again it again to protect them from the predators, it is for it that it buries them, placing in every hollow that it does they put between 12 to 52 approximate eggs, which do not possess a time defined for his development being able to take between one to a few days, until a few months come according to this one the climate in the epoch of the year.

This work of investigation and papers photographic was realized by the camera of my J4 of models of cellular Samsung, in the way of HD, for @newton666.

[1]-Treatise on Zoology - Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology. The Myriapoda for Alessandro Minelli, 2011.


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