Common patterns of spam:


1- Phishing messages, which are among the fastest spreading messages due to the nature of their content
2- Messages that claim to provide certain services, such as selling educational certificates
3- Spam messages related to money and investments, which are promoted under the slogan of "sure profit"
How do we deal with spam?
1- Not to respond to these messages and immediately delete them if they are from an unknown source
2- If the message was from a known source, then this means that this source has fallen victim to a deception and that his mail or his account is being used to spread these messages. In this case, the account owner must be alerted.
3- Not to register the official email used to work in the sites of chats, forums and other social or commercial sites or those that send periodic newsletters, assign a separate email for these matters in case of necessity.
4- If messages are repeated from the same source, do list filtering procedures, as the filtering topic helps you not to receive completely spam messages that are repeated from the same address.
The e-mail filtering feature enables you to
Automatically delete these messages.
