between the past and the future



A trip to the past

Before starting to talk about those aspects in which Other Ocean Interactive has left its stamp printed, it is important to know what the original work was like to be able to understand what the lights and shadows of this remake are with respect to the skeleton on which it is built everything else. Thus, and with the objective of establishing a specific starting point, it must be said that we would face an epic of redemption; one in which a hero fallen in battle must face the forces of evil in order to gain respect from the rest of the martyrs of the kingdom.

However, the epic tones that follow the lines of the script that underpin the game's plot find a great contrast to the setting in which their events occur. MediEvil becomes a compendium of elements `` Hallowenescos '' and bad jokes (and not for that reason without grace) that when cooked together in the kettle give rise to a universe of great charisma. So much so that Sir Daniel Fortesque has been one of the most remembered characters in the PlayStation community for more than two decades; so much that the magic that gave off that apology to the dark as a counterpoint to the sense of humor for which it gives a bit of anger to laugh has achieved that today we have a remake of the original adventure.


On the other hand, it is in the playable where we find those first frictions that indicate that we are facing a title that was devised with other types of standards in mind. Needless to say, the gameplay of MediEvil was limited to the margins offered by the platform on which it originally saw the light. And, although it is true that today its design can become obtuse in some aspects, others distil the magic so characteristic that it fell in love in its day.

The main mission that we have to carry out when we play MediEvil is to go through a good handful of levels, going from point A to point B and annihilating every living (non) living being that crosses our path; Of course, with the odd turn in the way of doing that causes factors such as boredom or repetitiveness to be totally out of the equation. The thing is that the idea of having to go through the different phases is based on an exploration system that, without demanding too much attention from the player, knows how to compensate him enough to want to look at each corner of the place in the that we be


A banner of the present

The decision taken by Other Ocean when carrying out its work with this remake has been to offer a product as faithful as possible to the original work. The graphic face wash, light effects, textures and models tuned for modern standards are the main protagonists of this MediEvil reconstruction. So much that they have not left room for those touches intended for gameplay that, although we understand that they are consistent with that choice of not altering the experience offered by the title in 1998, the truth is that it would not have been more polishing those imperfections mentioned above to give rise to a cleaner product and whose appeal is universal in all its aspects.

The great fidelity that overflows the reimagination of Other Ocean with respect to the title on which it stands stands up to the perfect conditions to revive the experiences of the most nostalgic, but it is also true that the passage of time would have made Fortesque's adventure You will also need a push in your playable section. On the other hand, that does not take away the fact that MediEvil Remake is an ode to the past and a work that overflows affection for what it inspires.

An unknown for the future

Although we are facing a reconstruction that supports modern standards in relation to some of its aspects and, on the other, it retains a playable design that seams are seen on certain occasions, it is curious to see how MediEvil Remake addresses in the same experience past, present and future. And it is that, having already spoken long and hard about the first two temporal parameters, we can only address one of the most gratifying sensations that the game has left in our hearts when we see the credit screen. One that could easily be summed up in two simple words: "We want more."

Because at the end of the day the correct answer to the question of `` Does retouching a title already released pervert the experience it offered at the time? '', It depends on the opinion of each one and Other Oceran has chosen the most conservative path . However, the latter leaves the door open for them to experience more if PlayStation comes to give the green light to work on a remake of the second installment or, who knows, to an unpublished new adventure of the franchise. And in this situation, we have no choice but to remain with our eyes and ears wide open.

Despite those parts that show that MediEvil is a product of another era, Other Ocean has managed to turn an issue that could cause rejection into what is main attraction. The adventure of Sir Daniel Fortesque has some virtues in some of its aspects that make it enjoyable by itself and, above all, that treat with great respect the original work; something that usually remains above the sensations derived from some of its most improvable sections such as, for example, a dubbing that squeaks in relation to the rest of parts of the total set. With all this and despite the barriers that build the design decision aimed at being faithful to what the game was in its day, MediEvil Remake will attempt against the heart of the most nostalgic in every corner, weapon or click unnecessary but always timely.

And, mentioning what is perhaps the most relevant of all, the reimagining carried out by the study has not only made us enjoy what it is and rejoice in our memory of what it was, but to dream about what That could be in the future. Sir Daniel Fortesque has managed to redeem himself once again, to demonstrate that there is still a place for him in the Pavilion of the Heroes and, especially, to make me think that the legend of Gallowmere continues to fight until the end. Rest in peace once again, old friend.
