Science, Spirituality, and Gnosis


These three disciplines are often looked at as separate systems but are actually different paths towards an understanding of the truth of reality.

There is no reason why spirituality and Gnosis can not coexist within science.
2000 years from now, we may definitively prove through the scientific method that there is another layer of existence beyond the physical realm. If so, spirituality would naturally become assimilated into the scientific consensus. Similar to magic, spirituality is a term often given to something we have little reference of understanding within the confines of a materialistic worldview.
When science, however, becomes sufficiently advanced, it becomes indistinguishable from spirituality.

Most of Science has its roots in the occult practices, with chemistry being derived from Alchemy, Astronomy from Astrology and so forth.
Science has its origins in the occult and the founder of the Scientific method was Sir Francis Bacon. An occultist, philosopher, and scientist.

Science by the oldest definition, not to be mistaken with the scientific method, is a way of understanding the universe through a process of empiricism. In other words, learning and understanding through observation.
The very word is derived from Latin ‘Scientia’ meaning knowing, expertness or experience.

Spiritualty, on the other hand, is simply the belief in the spirit. That reality consists of more than what most typically observe within the five sense reality and that we are connected to a source that is greater than the sum of our parts. Spiritual disciplines apply the wisdom gained through intuitive and intellectual faculties towards an understanding of the substance of the holistic universe.

We’re looking through a very small spectrum of light with our eyes and there is a whole world out there full of amoeba, atoms, dark matter and a cornucopia of things we can’t measure, let alone see. There is a lot of spiritual phenomena that is observed by many. The only problem that arises is that because a great deal of spiritual phenomena can not be observed, tested and quantified in the physical world with instrumentation, the scientific community often rules it out as being ‘Hocus Pocus’. The incontrovertible truth, however, rational or irrational, is that with the advent of Quantum Mechanics and more advanced technology. So many of the truths that have been known intuitively by ancient mystics and spiritualists are now being proven within the realm of Science.

Think about this..

The physical world is made up of atoms. Primarily protons, neutrons and electrons orbiting around a nucleus.

FACT 1. Electrons appear and disappear into this physical realm from a non-local source independent of our space and time!

FACT 2. Electrons can be in two different places at the same time and communicate with each other instantaneously regardless of space and time!

These are FACTS within Quantum physics that have been observed, tested and reproduced!

Gnosis refers to knowledge or experience derived through the soul, spirit, or god. It’s often referred to as knowledge however knowledge was broken down by the ancient Greeks into two types.

Hearsay, which is second-hand knowledge derived from people or sources outside of yourself.
Gnosis, however, is a form of experiential knowledge derived not just from personal experience but through spiritual incite by means of the mystical powers latent within the consciousness of all creations of the universe. It is the inner divine blueprint of life.
