¿Do you usually ask why?


¿How many whys?

¿How often?

"I am one of those who used to walk out there always showing as if everything is cool and everything is going fine all over around. But these days, deeply in my insides, within my shoes, too often I feel my socks sliding furthermore into my shoes when I walk. And yet, I've never stopped nor I stop asking ¿why?"

"The source of all learning and wisdom stem from a single word: ¿WHY?"

  • What is progress?
  • Does progress by definition means improvement?
  • Are our brains equipped to keep up with the rapid technological changes in recent centuries?
  • Is it possible to continue growing at the same rate forever?

«Surviving Progress»

A cinematic contemplation on our evolution from cave-dwellers to space explorers. Where it reveals the grave risk of running the 21st century’s software on the ancient hardware of our primate brain which hasn’t been upgraded in 50,000 years. And where ultimately it proves that making apes smarter was not an evolutionary dead-end.

"A Quick Teaser"

"The full documentary with Spanish subtitles"

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Cranky Gandalf



"Is it possible to continue growing at the same rate forever?"

While you ask good questions above, answered factually with important matters that are rarely understood, but of vital urgency to all of us, it is this last I feel is important to understand.

This is because perpetual growth isn't a feature of healthy living things, but of cancer.

However, when considering that question, the matter of scale is paramount. If a virus is a specialist that is designed to pathogenically parasitize a particular species with terminal consequences to it's subjects, such rates of growth are self-limiting because a pathogen with such unrestrained terminal effects burns through it's potential resource of hosts and thereafter suffers population collapse. A generalist virus that has inconsequential deleterious effects on it's hosts can attain to ubiquity, and thereafter maintain a maximal population. While not attaining to unlimited growth, it can attain to maximal success in the environment it is in.

Your last video (which I did not watch because I cannot speak Spanish) is clearly treating of humanities initial forays into space, where the limitations of resources available to people confined to Earth are virtually unconstrained. The ordinarily conceived limitations we face on Earth simply don't apply to extraterrestrial development, and the developmental constraints that must be applied to terrestrial development will be non-competitive foolishness when faced with competition from other actors.



This is because perpetual growth isn't a feature of healthy living things, but of cancer.

That's correct. Your analogy using cancer as an example is very accurate.

Cancer does not come from any virus, nor any bacteria, nor any pathogen external to our own essence and biology. And for the same reason it is always terminal. It is born and dies within the human being himself. And therefore it lacks of the smarter characteristics of a generalist virus. The smarter characteristics that could potentially guarantee the survival of their same species.

Your last video (which I did not watch because I cannot speak Spanish)

Oh no! the full documentary and last video is entirely spoken in English. Only, that it has subtitles in Spanish burned in the footage to reach a larger audience. So, take a look when you have a chance. I think you will like it and it will clarify many things for you.


Watching now.




Some observations I have made of the testimonies in the video are that all of the problems they cite are problems inherent and unique to centralization, to centralized hierarchies that take the form of institutions in which an overlord manages the collective that all focus their efforts on endeavors they are instructed by the overlord to undertake. Industrial agriculture, for example, lays bare huge expanses of soil, stripping natural ecosystems from them and replacing them with monocrops that are profitable for the institution and it's overlords.

All the solutions that are proposed are similarly collective, centralized institutional mechanisms. I recall that Albert Einstein said something like 'you can't solve a problem with the thinking that created it.' I agree.

I note that aquaponics can be deployed by an individual alone, by turning their living space into an indoor garden, with bubbling pools and babbling brooks of water infused with tasty living creatures that can be fed table scraps, and whose waste can be the fertilizer and nutrients that feed beautiful flowers and plants in sunny windows. After the plants strip their food from the fish/crawdad wastewater, it is returned clean to the fish/crawdads, and from time to time the individual can harvest a bit of salad or roots and a fish or crawdad or two, and feed themselves in their beautiful indoor conservancy that requires not one inch of natural habitat for wild species to be despoiled.

The solutions to the problems that allowing psychopathic institutions and overlords to develop our planetary resources cause are all decentralizing development and providing our necessities ourselves. Not as institutions and collectives, but as individuals and society.

The overlords scheme to enslave us all with the problems they have created into collective enslavement they propose to resolve them, but that will actually only make all problems worse by preventing us from developing resources ourselves in ways that don't destroy habitat so overlords can profit. Communism is not the solution to Communism. Centralization is not the solution to centralization. Our increasing impoverishment is not the solution to our impoverishment. More power and profits to overlords is not the solution to an overconcentration of power and profits in the walled gardens of overlords.

Freedom, decentralization, elimination of parasitization that enriches parasitic overlords and retention of the wealth we produce ourselves are the solutions to those problems. Making our own necessities, our food, our power, our tools and homes, ourselves, and eliminating overlords, parasitism, and collectivization in every case, in every home, in every place is the only way to solve the problems overlords are creating and replace our increasingly institutionalized civilization with an increasingly free civilization in which the people themselves have the majority of the wealth they create in ways they themselves determine to be beneficial and profitable to themselves and their homes and nations they love and depend on.


If you feel all alone and insignificant in the world, without life long boundaries and family, you are prone to messages of doom and devastation.


Yeah, this that you have said is basically very true.

Nonetheless, you must also take into account that this supposed propensity to messages of doom and devastation. They have not only something to do with feelings of loneliness, insignificance, abandonment and isolation. But they also have a lot to do with having lived long enough as to have seen too many absurd and irrational things already.

Like for example, watching the unlimited stubbornness, obduracy & stupidity of human beings. Like what we can observe today in all the political leaders of NATO and all of Europe in general. And like the one that you can surely appreciate more closely in the chancellor and prime minister of your own country.


I don't know.
I once heard that politicians go with the wind that blows. Depending on where it blows the strongest, that's where they turn. If they perceive something from the people that they think the people want, they will do it.

They can be very wrong, they can be right. Whenever you personally think they are wrong, you are against the government. If you think they are right, you are in favour of them. You can think that they don't represent you at all. And you wouldn't be wrong about that either.

I'm no longer very interested in politics. I'm also old enough to see things happening again. The doomsday news and also the euphoria of "progress".

I'm more interested in family, relationships and my husband now, I always have been, but I thought I had to think differently. I'm pro-family and if we people have more children again and look after each other more, the state won't need it and certainly not companies.

Every good things have an end, and so has madness.
