The Real Story Behind 'Shrinking Penises'

Authored by @EarthCustodians

But HOW are we going to do from here? Forget about any organizations out there, most will not tell that they need a status-quo to remain in business. Despite the fact that they've sounded the alarm for so long, 40 years or so, activism has done nothing as these chemicals are found everywhere in the environment today.

We are not going to spend our time going over Erin Brokovich's article here because her words alone are enough to describe this dire state of affair. But have you noticed? Those supporting the science pedaled by billionaires and other Davos gurus would rather keep us frozen by fear of the coronavirus than coming up with real solutions for these threats that have created. A menace that will parallel the jab in the long run, and by "long-run" we mean within the next 10 years or so.

Society as we know it is definitely over and we should accept it once and for all. We must throw in the towel and fast! The current system cannot save us in any way. Just let this sink in...

We have a penal code designed to ensure our safety as much as possible but not so strangely, operates the other way round. Humanity is dying from a slow-motion death, and it is really time that we think and act upon all these matters because the door toward freedom still is barely ajar and could slam shut at any moment.

By 2025 or so, the human race will be history if a majority keeps looking the other way. The ruling ideology is working around the clock to make "freedom" look like a right-wing stance. Left is Good. Right is evil. And now under the guise to save humanity, Moderna announced that it will begin testing the covid vaccine in 6,750 healthy children in the United States and Canada. The industry has known for a long while that mRNA manipulation is key to modify our DNA (see link below), and its plans are beyond sinister.

Yes, we've to act upon these matters urgently otherwise Dystopian sci-fi flicks picturing "survivors" being hunted down for still being humans will be proven correct.

We're at a very critical juncture because Natural Laws cannot be enforced in any way or we'd end up with the same "authoritarian regime". Freedom requires Benevolence as we have explained in a previous blog. That is precisely why Natural Laws can only be supported by a majority acting in concerto.

We have no other choice because everything is interconnected. You hurt yourself, you hurt others, and otherwise. All the suffering that is not addressed ends up affecting the whole. This is a Natural Law. So why ignoring that Law?

Yes, the "Do No Harm" Principle exposes human-made laws as total failures. They are designed to fail. That failure is built into the system to justify the costs of freedom. This is the absurd and fake reality we live in.

Human-made laws have turned lies and lying into an industry. Just imagine what our legal system would look like if this was truly understood by a majority. Law schools would go bankrupt! When Objective Truth reigns, the Greater Good can no longer be monetized either. "Do No Harm" is the fasted way to access that very Objective Truth.

We do not need to worry about the planet that much if making sure that we quit first harming our selves and each other. The planet will recover surprisingly fast. A couple of 100 years is still fast as the planetary level.

Only Truth will undo collusion and exploitation.

There won't be any change as long as the same mindset that led us into this quagmire is still hoping to fix world issues. The ability to contemplate that the half-empty glass is also half-full is now more necessary than ever. That in fact, what we are seeing is too a dying mindset offering us a unique opportunity to stand up!

Plummeting sperm counts, shrinking penises: toxic chemicals threaten humanity
Erin Brockovich (MARCH 2021)
The end of humankind? It may be coming sooner than we think, thanks to hormone-disrupting chemicals that are decimating fertility at an alarming rate around the globe. A new book called Countdown, by Shanna Swan, an environmental and reproductive epidemiologist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, finds that sperm counts have dropped almost 60% since 1973. Following the trajectory we are on, Swan’s research suggests sperm counts could reach zero by 2045. The chemicals to blame for this crisis are found in everything from plastic containers and food wrapping, to waterproof clothes and fragrances in cleaning products, to soaps and shampoos, to electronics and carpeting. Some of them, called PFAS, are known as “forever chemicals” because they don’t breakdown in the environment or the human body. Swan’s book is staggering in its findings. “In some parts of the world, the average twentysomething woman today is less fertile than her grandmother was at 35,” Swan writes. In addition to that, Swan finds that, on average, a man today will have half of the sperm his grandfather had. “The current state of reproductive affairs can’t continue much longer without threatening human survival,” writes Swan, adding: “It’s a global existential crisis.” That’s not hyperbole. That’s just science.

Our Operating System
Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the "program” or “app” is our mRNA drug - the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.

The Devil We Know is a documentary film about corporate greed, toxic chemicals,
