New discovery of Homo Erectus


New discovery of Homo Erectus


Last month it was discovered that Homo Erectus, one of our main predecessors survived much longer than we wanted so far.


Homo Erectus, the first human species that completely erect path appeared two million years ago in Africa, then colonize Asia and possibly Europe, but about 400,000 years ago they disappeared without a trace, the only exception was some remains, 12 stages of skulls and two tibias found in 1930 on the Indonesian island of java.


The site full of volcanic sediments, it was very difficult to date, so it was not possible to determine its age, until now, because a new approach has allowed us to conclude that these remains are actually about 110,000 years old, which implies that they belong last Homo Erectus in existing on earth, which endured on that island almost three hundred thousand years, more than in the rest of the planet, however, even then, they did not survive long enough to meet modern humans in java, since Erectus disappeared from the island thirty-five thousand years before the arrival of the sapiens.
