The Fermi Paradox



In our galaxy, the Milky Way, there are more than 200 billion stars and experts assure that there could be 10 billion rocky exoplanets with favorable conditions for some kind of life.

The American astronomer Frank Drake, pioneer of the SETI project of search for extraterrestrial intelligence, devised a formula to calculate the total number of civilizations in our galaxy that could produce radio emissions.

After applying values to the formula, they concluded that, only in our galaxy, there should be at least 10 intelligent civilizations capable of communicating.

The fact is that, after 60 years of searching for intelligent life by pate of the SETI project, not a single intelligent sign of space has been found say what the friends of ufology say


According to the story, the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi in 1950, at a lunch with his colleagues blurted out: "Do you ever wonder where everyone is?"

By "everyone", he was referring to those civilizations that should already be among us according to all the formulas and speculations made, and yet, whatever the friends of ufology say, no one has come here.

Since that event, this has become the "Fermi Paradox" and several scientists have tried to answer it, including the famous "Carl Sagan" who, in a 1981 article, recommended having patience.


The fact is that, 70 years later, the Fermi paradox continues unanswered, some say that civilizations destroy themselves before dominating interstellar travel, others say they have already been here or even that they don't care about us.

In any case, we must be humble and admit that the galaxy is very large and the distances are, never better said, astronomical and although we are able to imagine it, we still have many decades to leave the solar system.

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