Gigantic structures inside the earth.


Gigantic structures inside the earth.

Very anomalous, gigantic structures of which science had no idea, until now, were detected in the transition zone between the Earth's core and the mantle.

Here is the weekly of the discoverers if they want to investigate further

To detect them, the researchers analyzed thousands of recordings of seismic waves, sound waves that travel through the earth, studying very rare echoes that came from that border region, in the heart of the planet, specifically the area below the earth. basin of the pacific ocean, they found a series of gigantic structures areas of unusually dense and hot rock whose composition and origin are a mystery.

They could be anomalously differentiated magma, molten metal leaks from the outer core, or some phenomenon we are still unaware of, so the conclusion we can draw from this study is that the interior of the earth appears to be much more complex than the typical layered diagram that we all know.

How long will it take to solve the mysteries that are hidden under our feet because it is very difficult to know, since indirect methods such as the one in this study have many limitations, perhaps they prove to be insufficient and drilling the earth is extremely expensive, bordering on the impossible.

Record depth: 12.2 km

Centrol depth: 6378 km.

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