RE: One change to make science more open?


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I love these ideals. After 15 years working on clean tech startup companies in the renewable space I am a little more jaded however.

This is such an important statement " Studies should not be judged by the journal which published them, but rather a verifiable record (beyond just citations) that the outputs of that study are driving the next generation of research" . It is however almost impossible for them to verify these outputs as perception is often not reality and you would end up with people who are good at spinning their work coming to the forefront when in reality it may be others who had the more impact, unnoticed by the community. Also a paper which is otherwise goes unnoticed could have had a major impact on someone who then started a company/trend and drove radical societal change. The original author may never be the wiser, which is why those small esoteric papers are so important, they are mostly ignored but every now and then they change the world.
