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You know I was inquisitive as to how fan generates air. Not really given a thought to it or could say I have just been lazy to read about it, I mean I have other things to think of and read that would bring in income. until a day my friend asked, boom!!!! We were thinking alike. No knowledge is a waste. Yeah we all know it rolls and then we feel the breeze but, does it really create this air.

From my research lol, or findings, I have learnt that the fan doesn't create air, ( okay I already knew that before, but for the sake of those that don't know) it just redirect it partially.

Ever noticed why the blades of fans are always slanted at one edge, or slanted all the same. Yes it redirect the air from on top the blades downwards. When the blade cuts through air in the direction shown, it pushes the air molecules that it hits downward and we can sense or feel the air below.

Now I am sure we might ask, if the fan keeps pushing all the air downward towards us, won't there be loose of air above, especially when we increase the fan. The answer is Remember the saying that goes thus, "There is no vacuum in nature" That's because, this air keeps circulating and back again to the top of the fan. Definitely, we can't feel it when its circulating because the air from the fan is hitting us at a higher pressure than the one circulating.
