The Cure for Overpopulation has Arrived


As in many things in life, if you don't deal with things, they will deal with you.

Mother nature has said enough is enough of your bullshit humans, time to clean up my house you mofos.

As we've done nothing but eat, breed, and crap for the last 200 years we're on our way to 10 billion people. Not so fast says Mrs. Gaia, this humanity deal isn't going quite so cool as planned. There are too many of you and too many of you are far too dumb and can't survive 6 days outside your Walton and Bezos lifelines. So guess what? Time to unleash some nasties.


Yes, attention all you on "Planet of the Humans", your shit ain't working... looks like it's time for some classes online and some boomers to die and some rednecks to meet their holy jesus.

Take us Mother, teach us the way

Peace @ClumsySilverDad
