RE: The Web of Life and Plastic Rocks


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Nice post! I feel very passionate about this topic. With me, you won't have to worry about living in sterile plastic-driven environments :) I want to get as far away from that as possible. This is a huge reason why the Colorado mountains keep calling my name...

I agree with you that any efforts to undermine biophilia is mostly unconscious. And I also feel like humanity took a turn with the Cartesian system of rationalism: the domination of philosophy based in reductionist, mechanistic thinking resulting in a subjugation of knowledge systems based on interconnections and relationships. This paradigm/worldview cuts us off from body intelligence, embodiment, and slowing things down. Without these more yin qualities to balance out the yang, our biophilic roots can't be felt and therefore considered as part of reality. Even if it's innately natural to us.

I believe we are nature becoming aware of itself through the evolution of our consciousness. Hopefully, we are awakening to the shadow side of individualism and separation. Here's a quote by Vandana Shiva from an excellent interview:

Let us shift our minds to regenerating the currencies that make our life work, and the currencies that come from nature as the original source. These are the currencies of food currencies, of water currencies, of bread, currencies of love, relationship, currencies of being cared for, and the capacity to care. Now, once you do that, instead of looking towards the market, or the financial sources, you start to turn to nature and to each other. What is it that we can do with this amazing body that has been made to disappear in the Cartesian world? Descartes said, I'm a thinking thing without a body. That break is the curse of humanity, because it crippled us from ... recognizing that we are bodily beings that connect to the Earth's body.

Lastly, this post reminds me of one of my favorite books: The Sacred Ego: Making Peace With Ourselves and Our World which explores a radical new way of integrating our ego (vs. seeking the death of the ego) as a form of activism. Here's a screenshot of one of the chapters:

Screenshot 2023-03-24 at 5.38.05 PM.png


Thanks for the thorough response! I feel like we're in close alignment on these matters: )


Time to escape the world's roars and live in a forest together ...
