Personal Software (Summer 1983)


Personal Software was one of a multitude of U.K. based computer magazines from the 1980s. This issue from the Summer of 1983 includes:

  • Getting Converted - Hints on how to convert programs from one Commodore machine to another.
  • Leapfrog - Our micro version of that old pub game played with coins.
  • Power Boat - Have all the fun of power boating without feeling seasick!
  • The Valley - Save the kingdom of the Valley by combating dragons, Balrogs, and Wraiths. Choose your character with magic or physical strengths and do battle in our epic game, The Valley.
  • Towers of Brahma - Moving rings from one pillar to another may sound easy but just try it!
  • Micro Examination - Test your friends and children with this multiple choice program.
  • Quiz Time - Assess your performance in terms of speed and accuracy with a multiple choice program.
  • Multipurpose Records - Set up your own filing system which enables you to store, search, edit and retrieve data.
  • VIC Editor - Take one VIC-20 and add this program and what do you have? A VIC-20 with an "enlarged" screen.
  • Commodore Communications - Get Commodores talking to each other using this application.
  • Address Book - Compile an address book, or any other similar list, and throw away those bits of paper.

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Are all this computers still available in this recent times. Though I doubt that anyways.

Thanks for sharing

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