

Learning is a process of knowledge in-take. Learning is a part of our daily lives and doesn't stop. The only time we can stop learning is when we're dead.

I have come to understand that learning is vast and births uncountable branches. Learning is a tool on the path of success in any area of life. Learning is the workway of ease in achievement.

With this said, what are the types of learning? How do we learn?

Learning is done in various ways but the most common are the Conventional and Unconventional forms of learning. Of course we can say the conventional is formal education where we go to school to possibly accelerate development. We all know how the school system works right? Test and exams after the lessons.

Unconventional is what we know as informal but what I like to call "experience".

We have come across various situations that teaches us lessons and we carry that knowledge into the future fully prepared for similar situations.

Learning isn't just done through classes, books, podcats, video tapes etc, learning (surprisingly) can also happen in gists, gossips, daily walks and even arguments.

My learning process is totally weird. 90% of my knowledge did not come from the four walls of a classroom. It came from bad decisions, curiosity towards a particular topic, good decisions as well as meditation.

You might be wondering how but let's leave that for another day. What I want to discuss is Learning Structure. For someone who has knowledge, how do you disseminate knowledge? What processes do you follow if there are any? How do you go about that complex path of drawing from your well of knowledge?


I watched a very interesting debate happen between a man who worked in a Computer Laboratory/Technology company as a teacher in the Data Science department. His main focus from what I understood is the PYTHON (or something like that).

FYI: I met NFT developers there even those involved in an upcoming Solana project. Mind-blowing i tell ya.

His contender happened to be a former student of his who was now working as an intern in the same company. She's also into Data Science, a technical blogger and Blockchain enthusiast.

Apparently, she was called to talk to the students in the Code School –she is one of the best students– so as to impart her knowledge on these new students. The guy wasn't appreciative of her "learning or teaching structure" and cornered her to talk some "sense" into her. According to him, she wasn't taking the feelings of others into consideration or going at the pace of the students. Other times she was too slow in efficiency and failed to represent the company.

Going further, this lady efficiently laid down her points and her thoughts on what a learning structure is or could be.

Her points had me thinking. How we actually relay our thoughts can be very important but it shouldn't be the purpose of whatever lecture we might be giving. For example as she said,

"I know how to cook. I did go to a catering school but I know the basics of cooking. When I got into catering school, I wasn't taught how to turn on the stove, peel or chop things because this is something I already know. What I was taught were things I didn't know."

She goes on further to explain that in learning or teaching, your main focus is getting the students to understand. Making sure they are imparted. How you do that is best to you but make sure they understand. You can't dismiss a topic because you feel they don't need it and you can't hammer on a topic because you feel they need it. In learning –because we learn in teaching and teach in learning– your feelings don't matter. What matters is the truth. When you try to make something as simple as "A" appear to be as complicated as "&$(/@:" then you clearly are dumb.


This actually got me thinking on various things. I discovered that I have learned a lot throughout my years and might have felt dumb sometimes. But what if I wasn't the dumb one? What if I felt that way because someone felt they should teach something in a certain way to appear more sophisticated or intelligent?

Yep. That's why I feel learning on my own, in my own way is best. I do like to get opinions and suggestions but I try my possible best to avoid complicated worksheets. Learning to me should be in the simplest way possible and not made a big deal.

How do you learn? What do you think of learning? Do you have a learning structure? Do you even believe in a learning structure?

Kindly leave your comments. ❤️

