RE: The Way of the Tao


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There is this story as a lesson from Wu-Wei apply:

A farmer had a horse, but one day it ran away and the farmer and his son had to plough their fields themselves.
The neighbors said, "What bad luck that your horse ran away!"
But the farmer replied, "We'll see."

A week later the horse came back to the farm and brought a whole herd of wild horses.
"So much luck!" cried the neighbours,
but the farmer said, "You'll see."

Shortly afterwards the farmer's son tried to ride in the wild horses - but he was thrown off and broke his leg. "Oh, that's too bad!" The neighbours took pity on him,
but the farmer said again, "We'll see."

A few days later the ruler of the country called all the young men into his army to go into battle.
But they left the farmer's son at home because of his broken leg
"How fortunate that your son doesn't have to go into battle!" rejoiced the neighbors.
But the farmer just said, "We'll see."

But in the current situation I wonder how one wants to go with the flow of things if resistance is needed. Normally, waiting is always the better option and action is only required when the acute situation demands it. Acting in the sense of a helpful gesture, a healing process, establishing a peaceful relationship. What do I answer to the one who won't let go of me and tells me that the government measures have protected us all well? Who puts those who see this protection for all as a prevention paradox in the corner of the crazies and the threat to public health?

So I asked a friend of mine: Will you only ever hug me, be near me, once I proved that I am healthy?


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