So...My Computer Died.


     Timing is everything, so they say. For too long I had been thinking about buying a new computer. And, for a long time, I had kept finding reasons not to buy one. I mean, some of the reason were legitimate, but still. I guess I needed some motivation from outside sources.

     Yesterday morning I pressed the power button on my computer and...nothing. Zilch. Nada. With a pit welling up in my stomach, I began troubleshooting what I could. I tried a different power cord but that didn't work. I removed the battery to reset the BIOS and that didn't work.

     Grabing my phone, I went to the internet for some suggestions. Nothing worked. Slowly, the realization began to set in. I was going to have to buy a new PC.

     Since I didn't want to be without a PC for too long, so I drove to the only box store left in my area that would have a decent computer selection. I was hoping the alliterate business had something I could walk out with.

     They had four gaming PC's on display and each one had a sign that said it was not in stock. Damn. When I asked the sales guy how long it would take to get one on order he said a couple of days if it's in the warehouse. I could wait a couple of days. I guess.

     We went over to a computer that employees use to look things up and started scrolling through the gaming PC's they sell.

     As the sales guy was explaining to me that they never have gaming PC's in stock anymore he said, "Wait a minute. It says we have one of that one. Must have come in today."

     Unbelievable. He went to go check. This PC had decent specs and it was $100 less than I was willing to spend. If I had the luxury of time, I might have ordered a better PC. But, I decided that if I could walk out of there with one, I would.

     And so I did. And now I'm in the process getting this back up to normal. Losing my PC was sudden so, unfortunately, I lost a lot of stuff related to this blog. Fortunately, I have all of my keys backed up externally.

     I've successfully removed the hard drive from my old computer and will attempt to connect it to my new one and retrieve some of the things I lost. Hopefully, it's successful.

     On a positive note, I get to pull out this gif I created many moons ago in a galaxy far, far away. I feel it's appropriate. It accompanied a post I did honoring the hardest working people on the starship Enterprise...the I.T. department.




     Wherever we are, we are surrounded by nature. It's always trying to communicate with us. Take time to notice. #NoticeNature.

All gifs and images are my own unless otherwise stated.


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