The Existing Illness Connection For COVID-19 Patients


According to recently released statistics from the Office for National Statistics, it's estimated that some 9 out of 10 COVID-19 patients had other health problems prior to becoming infected.

9 out of 10 had some sort of existing illness.

This is one minor detail that you might not have heard mentioned much in the media just yet. The connection seems significant because it means that more than 90 percent of those individuals had a prior health problem. However, the sample that they used to determine this was limited to 4,000 patients from England and Wales.

Among those 4,000 patients that they included in their sample, with the more than 90 percent that had that prior illness, the majority of cases were found to be linked to respiratory illness and dementia. These were the most common illnesses they found, aside from heart disease as well. Many had more than one health condition they were dealing with as well, some the average person had three health conditions.

According to one study, it suggests that for those who do become infected with the virus that overcoming it and being symptom-free could take at least a month or more. Other reports suggest that most are not likely going to be infectious after that recovery starts to begin and they see improvement.



yes .. it also appears most in patients with high blood pressure. everyone should pay attention. Stay safe
