Natural remedy for stress and anxiety (article)

Natural remedy for stress and anxiety.

Stress situations. Fear of failure. We are all involved in a modern society. But how do you get rid of it again? If the tension does not disappear automatically, a natural soothing agent can help with balance in stress situations.

Luckily there are many things you can do to relax. We discuss nine of them, and show you how you can prevent that tension from now on.

As long as everyday life goes smoothly, nothing is wrong. Everything under control. No problem.

Natural remedy for stress and anxiety: sometimes it all gets just too much
Sometimes because of everything that comes at us at the same time, it can feel as if your cup is about to go under
Suddenly that can be quite disturbed by a major, nasty event. The death of a loved one, divorce or loss of your job for example. Or because you are very upset about something, such as a visit to a dentist or an exam. Maybe you have "just" worked too hard lately.

Whatever the reason is: gradually everything becomes too much. A feeling of (over) tension arises, which you feel in your stomach and chest. An oppressive feeling that holds you in its grip: a nervous feeling. But how do you get rid of that?


  1. Chamomile

Nice as a tea, and perfect for relaxing. In addition, it can help to disinfect. For example, rinse with chamomile tea if you suffer from your gums. Tip: go for pure herbal tea, for an extra good night's sleep.

Read more about chamomile.

A cup of chamomile as an alternative to pills against stress
A cup of chamomile tea is positive for body and soul

  1. Valerian

The natural anti stress plant. For example, valerian is even recommended by some driving schools for the driving test. Simply available at the drugstore, in various forms and tablets.

Also read: Three situations in which I had a lot of valerian.

  1. St John's wort

Just like Valerian, you can buy it at the drugstore. Can help you achieve a balanced mind and not stumble over your own thoughts.

  1. Soothing drops

Bach Rescue drops help you to unwind in stress situations, with panic or after a shocking experience. Composed of the most calming blossoms. Do you want to know which or order a bottle? Then read on here.

Tailor-made soothing drops can also help by tackling the source of the tension.

Various types of Bach blossoms are used for this: natural infusions from plants and flowers.

In our Bach drop selection guide you can read more about the composition of such a mix, which blossoms there are and how you can discover what suits you. Just reading the different descriptions can help you to become (more) aware of the source of your tension.

  1. Green tea

We all know that nothing is as relaxing as a nice cup of tea. If soothing is your goal, preferably go for green tea. This is because there is much less theine and caffeine in it than in black tea.

Also read: more than 12 types of tea to sleep better

  1. Hop

No, a beer doesn't count. The alcohol in beer ensures that you sleep less deeply, so that has the opposite effect. But there is volatile oil in hops, and that has a narcotic effect. For example, it is used in aromatherapy.

  1. Passionflower

In Germany, the passion flower has been approved by the government as an official medicine against anxiety. Several studies have shown that passionflower is just as effective as many prescription drugs. Just like other soothing agents, it also promotes sleep. Suitable for drinking as tea, for example.

  1. Lavender

The scent of lavender has a calming effect. A study found that patients were less nervous for the dentist when the waiting room smelled of lavender.

A study in Germany even showed that patients with anxiety disorder benefited just as much from taking lavender pills as from using lorazepam. Also suitable for aromatherapy or tea.

What helps against stress? The soothing scent of lavender!
What helps with a nervous feeling? The soothing scent of lavender!

  1. Your own breathing

This is the premise of meditation and mindfulness. By focusing on your breathing, you calm your mind. A guided meditation can help you with this: that is why we list a number of good meditation apps for you.

Do you recognize the build-up of a tense feeling? Then try the following breath to immediately suppress it:

Breathe in gently for four seconds.
Hold your breath for four seconds.
Breathe out gently for four seconds.
Stay exhaled for four seconds.
In meditation this is known as the "square breath". By focusing on your breathing movement, it effectively brings you back into the here and now.

  1. Sufficient food

Some people eat (too) much in stress and stress situations, so this tip has two sides. Paradoxically, tension can also lead to too little food, which means that you lose weight further and further.

It has also been proven that a feeling of hunger causes a higher feeling of fear or irritation.

But don't grab unhealthy snacks such as crisps or cookies. Go for a handful of nuts, with a glass of water or a cup of tea. And make sure you improve your diet in the longer term. Enough vegetables, with a little meat or fish. Leafy green vegetables, such as spinach, are a good choice!

  1. Movement

The endorphins that are released during exercise make it a good way to feel better and more alive. In addition, a good workout works to deplete your body so that you can relax better. In addition, heat is released (see 13)

  1. Eggs and omega-3

Two more foods that can positively influence a nervous feeling. Eggs are a natural source of choline. A deficiency of this is often associated with a higher level of anxiety.

Omega-3 is found in fish oil. Good for your heart, but a study also proved to work in exciting times for students who had to take an important exam.

  1. Heat

Warm tea, saunas and fleece blankets on the couch: they are not so relaxing for nothing. Heat helps your muscles release tension. Your body needs to work less hard to keep itself warm and feel more relaxed. In addition, heat has a positive effect on the neurons that cause our mood.

Relaxing tea
At the moment I am a big fan of Celestial tea. In particular the Seasonings Tension Tamer.

First, the design is very beautiful. Just like the woman on the box, you can also tame your personal dragon (read: stress)!

Moreover, I am very pleased with the herbs in this tea. Chamomile for relaxation, Ginseng for mental resilience, Ginger for good blood circulation. All herbs that I would like to add to my daily diet anyway.

I hope you enjoy this content and can use it in your life. Thank you for reading my article!

Kind regards,
