Virtualgrowth - A Token of Some Sort ... Slowly Distributing and Sharing Value


Update of numerology of virtaulgrowth token distribution.



As of today there are just over twenty (20) virtualgrowth tokens in circulation with a total of 20.183. These are distributed between two hundred and nine (209) accounts. With an average holding of 0.096 tokens per account. An amount of 11.443 has been sold on the market. This amount is made available in relation to the float amount in circulation to keep better average distribution. Total tokens that have been rewarded for upvotes is 9.379 tokens. This results distribution ratios of about 46% being rewarded and 54% being sold on the market.

Top holders are upvoted through posts usually within the last twenty-four (24) hours. Vote percentages may be anywhere from 1-100%. Usually aiming at levels of 10, 20, 25, or 50% to spread out voting support.

Over the next two weeks the token will be better valued and diversified with Math and strategies to better potentially grow the token's value over time.

thank you / namaste
