Top Three Project.hope Post Review, Thirteenth Episode.


Welcome to a new episode of my weekly review on project.hope. This is the 12th day in the month of June. Every week, I bring you exciting posts from the project hope community and this week we have amazing posts that will thrill you.

Let's begin.

First post.

Huawei fights against COVID-19


The fight against COVID-19 has become something the world is trying to combat, it is not just a virus that is restricted to age, sex or colour , it affects everyone and now that it seem as though we might just have to learn to live with the virus, Huawei a mobile phone company has decided to help by upgrading their services and allowing the users of the product to test themselves for the presence of the virus or not.

Second post.

Social Psychology of Attraction


There are times we get attracted to people on the wrong basis and for the extremely wrong reasons, the character possessed by this people afterwards will make us know if we should leave them or just let them be.

Third post.

Ways to come out stronger and better after a recession.


This writer has shared amazing ways in how we can come out stronger right after the pandemic is over.

You can go to the project hope community to read these post and more fantastic post from the community. The community has been doing really great and I am proud of the growth thanks to the team which include @crypto.piotr, @pedrobrito2004, @juanmolina, @lanzjoseg, @fucho80, @jadams2k18. I will be bringing another review next week and I hope to do it on both platforms.
