RE: A Vision for Hive


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“Without a community what do we have?”

Do we have a community that wants to see this ecosystem improve and develop in order to attract more users, commerce, and investors? Or do we have a community that’s content with stagnation and collecting scraps?

I’d rather have a community that wants to live up to the potential of this blockchain than have a community that looks only at one small aspect of it and panics at any sign that their scraps may be slightly more difficult to cash out.

There can be plenty of ways to monetize content for the creators. Nobody is saying to get rid of the concept. The idea is to make the base layer more application-neutral so that developers who want nothing to do with social media content and bickering can still invest in Hive, create their product on this amazing blockchain, and bring their users/customers here to reap the rewards...and contribute to the flourishing ecosystem.

If we aren’t able to attract developers that are willing to create “killer” social media apps, then the base layer isn’t going to succeed anyway. If we can attract these kind of developers, then they can certainly make it work on the application layer. And their success will be shared by all of us.


Now THAT is a GREAT answer !


Yep, I agree, make the Hive base layer more application neutral so many use cases can arise. Purely social media as a base blockchain will not succeed in the space age.

I want to earn Hive by connecting solar panels to my Hummer. And announcing Hive Rides in a Solar Panel Hummer. on Hummer.rides

Is that possible with the base layer or do I have to post pics?
