Mathematical proof. || 8 is the largest integer number that divides all odd numbers of the form m^2-n^2. || Number theory.


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Personal presentation.

Hello everyone, receive a cordial greeting from me. I am a young mathematician apprentice, Venezuelan and enthusiastic about science in general. At present I am pursuing a "degree in mathematics" career, in which I am in the middle of the degree. On the other hand, I am currently doing research in the area of number theory at the University of Carabobo (UC).

Well, with great pleasure I will be uploading math content, tips to increase your performance in the study and science in general.

I hope you will accompany me on the arduous but beautiful path of mathematics and science.

This time I've brought you a basic proof that belongs to the area of Number Theory. This is a basic, but very important proof where you will see how important it is to be very clear on definitions on mathematics in order to do the correct approach to solve or prove any problem or proposition.

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Next I proceed to carry out the mathematical proof about the proposition on question.

The proposition.

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The Hand-made mathematical proof.


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Mathematical proof written in LaTex.

LaTex Sheet.

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In case you missed something


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The Hand-made mathematical proof and the LaTex written sheets were made it by me: @paultactico2

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