

I have to admit that I have a certain weakness regarding Roman ruins, this is my post number 3 where I investigate and learn much more about the great Roman culture, in Portugal there are many buried Roman cities and it makes sense because hundreds of years ago the Portuguese territory belonged to the Roman empire, and that is why we can find many historical sites in which we can learn a lot about what the Roman culture was like! I am fascinated by their scientific and military advances even though this inspiration came from the Greeks the Romans were a world power for many years!😮🕵️‍♂️👨‍🏫

Tengo que reconocer que tengo cierta debilidad respecto a las ruinas romanas, esta es mi post numero 3 donde investigo y aprendo mucho mas sobre la gran cultura Romana, en Portugal existen muchas ciudades enterradas Romanas y tiene sentido porque cientos de años atras el territorio Portugues pertenecia al imperio Romano, y por eso podemos encontrarnos muchos sitios historicos en los cuales podemos aprender mucho como era la cultura Romana! estoy fascinado por sus avances cientificos y militares apesar que esta inspiracion vino de los griegos los Romanos fueron una potencia mundial por muchos años!👨‍🎓👨‍🏫





There are so many curious facts that I have learned reading about Roman customs, but I will never forget one that is very curious and that demonstrated how advanced Roman society was at the time! And it is that for many things they used urine because they knew the properties of ammonia, the Romans used urine from: to brush their teeth to to remove blood stains on their clothes, interesting right? Whenever I make long trips I try to visit museums and places like this because it never hurts to educate ourselves, and it doesn't seem right to bury history! Thanks to the Romans, for example, we have sewage systems! They were the first to invent it!😮😮
Hay tantos datos curisos que he aprendido leyendo sobre las constumbres romanas, pero jamas me olvidare de uno que es muy curioso y que demostraba lo avanzada que era la sociedad romana en la epoca! y es que para muchas cosas utilizaban el orine porque conocian las propiedades del amoniaco, los Romanos empleaban orine desde: para cepillarse los dientes hasta para quitar manchas de sangre en sus ropas interesante verdad? siempre que hago viajes largos trato de visitar museos y sitios como este porque nunca esta demas culturizarnos, y no me parece correcto enterrar la historia! gracias a los romanos por ejemplo disponemos de sistemas de aguas negras! fueron los primeros en inventarla!😌😜🤯




I came with my family and friends to learn about the site! I had been recommended to visit it because it had some interesting facts about the Romans that I did not know, for example it was the first time I saw an "inn" basically the site was a set of buildings that served as inns for the Romans who traveled long distances, it is known that this civilization was one of the first to build a road system, which allowed them to connect many cities and at the same time market products, for example, about 30km from my home there is a Roman space where fish were salted and from here they were transported to places like this we are talking about weeks of travel or maybe months, because this place is in the center of the country and there was no access to the sea! so food such as fish was brought from other areas!😮🚙🌅
Vine con mi familia y amigos para aprender sobre el sitio! me habian recomendado visitarlo porque tenia algunos datos interesantes sobre los Romanos que desconocia, por ejemplo era primera vez que veia una "posada" basicamente el sitio era un conjunto de edificaciones que servian como posadas a los Romanos que hacian largas distancias, se sabe que esta civilizacion fue una de las primeras en la construccion de sistema de carreteras lo que les permitia conectar muchas ciudades y al mismo tiempo comercializar productos, por ejemplo a unos 30km de mi hogar hay un espacio romano donde salaban peces y de aqui eran transportados a sitios como este estamos hablando de semanas de viajes o quizas meses, porque este sitio esta en el centro del pais y no habia acceso al mar! por lo que el alimento como peces era traido de otras areas!🐟🐠




Once the Romans defeated the "Spanish" resistance they decided to inhabit the entire Iberian Peninsula and Portugal is a country that they inhabited more than 2000 thousand years ago and in which the Romans would leave a mark that would remain marked for many generations! this ruin is located in what is currently "Mangualde" and throughout the city there is much evidence of Roman activity, hundreds of architectures left by the Romans for "housing" purposes have been identified, that is, different families inhabited many houses permanently, something that I learned that not just any Romans lived in these cities, they were almost always families of generals, that is, people of high society!😮😮
Una vez los Romanos vencer la resistencia "española" decidieron habitar toda la peninsula iberica y Portugal es un pais que habitaron hace mas de 2000 mil años y que en el los Romanos dejarian una huella que quedaria marcada durante muchas generaciones! esta ruina esta ubicada en lo que actualmente es "Mangualde" y por toda la ciudad hay mucha evidencia de actividad romana, se han identificado centenas de arquitecturas dejada por los romanos con fines "habitacionales", osea diferentes familias habitaron muchas casas permanentemente, algo que aprendi era que no vivian cualquier romano dentro de estas ciudades, casi siempre eran familias de generales, osea personas de alta sociedad! 🤴👸




Investigating a little about the place, the Romans called it "mansion" to the great structure that fulfilled the function of an "inn" giving shelter to the Romans who passed through the area and went to other areas of Portugal, but it was not called "mansion" because it is big and has many beds! Actually, this was a luxury area because private hot water pools were discovered! and on this the Portuguese historians are based to infer that not every Roman could stay on the site! Some tests were carried out to verify the antiquity of the structures and they date from 1 after Christ.😮📕🧠
Investigando un poco sobre el lugar, los romanos lo llamaban "mansion" a la gran estructura que cumplia la funcion de una "posada" dando acobijo a los romanos que pasaban por la zona y que se dirigian a otras zonas de Portugal, pero no era llamado "mansion" por ser grande y poseer muchas camas! en realidad este era una zona de lujo porque se descubrieron piscinas con aguas calientes privadas! y en esto se basan los historiadores portugueses para inferir que no cualquier Romano podia hospedarse en el sitio! se realizaron algunas pruebas para comprobar la antiguedad de las estructuras y datan del 1 despues de cristo.💂‍♂️🕵️‍♂️




Among the structures found in the "mansion" you can differentiate a natural water well where underground water was extracted! some rooms, a kitchen and thermal pools were identified, this structure not only served as a rest area but also for supplies, many carriages, civilians or troops arrived to stock up on resources that were generally water, and food to continue their journey! two stables and a forge were identified! Of course the Romans thought of everything and the forge was built very far from the rooms so as not to wake up people who were resting!🤯😅
Entre las estructuras encontradas en la "mansion" se puede diferenciar un pozo de agua natural donde se extraia agua subterranea! se identificaron algunos cuartos, una cocina y las piscinas termales, esta estructura no solo servia como zona de descanso si no tambien para abastecimiento, muchos carruajes, civiles o tropas llegaban para abastecerse con recursos que generalmente era agua, y comida para seguir su viaje! se logro identificar dos establos y una forja! claro los romanos pensaban en todo y la forja fue construida muy lejos de los cuartos para no despertar a las personas que descansaban!🧠🧠






The "citania da confectionery" has been investigated for more than a century, in 1889 Mr. Jose Alberto was the first scientist to carry out archaeological surveys in the area, but as always happens with historical things they are left in oblivion! the place was abandoned and no further investigations were carried out on it! but in 1989 the excavations were resumed until 1997 it was Doctor Clara Portas who spent a lot of time learning about Roman culture and how the Romans behaved in the "Viseu" region, what strikes me is that there are many conclusions about different architectures due to lack of evidence causing many researchers to have a different opinion!😮😮
Desde hace mas de un siglo que la "citania da reposteria" es investigada, en 1889 el señor Jose Alberto fue el primer cientifico en realizar sondeos arqueologicos en la zona, pero como ocurre siempre con las cosas historicas son dejadas en el olvido! el lugar fue abandonado y no se realizaron mas investigaciones en el! pero en 1989 se retomaron las excavaciones hasta 1997 fue la Doctora Clara Portas que dedico mucho tiempo en aprender sobre la cultura romana y como era el comportamiento de los romanos en la region de "Viseu", lo que me llama la atencion es que hay muchas conclusiones sobre diferentes arquitecturas debido a la falta de pruebas haciendo que muchos investigadores tengan una opinion diferente!👩‍🦰🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️





Many researchers believe that the "citania da raposeira" was actually a "villa" that is, a country house of a very rich man who was exploring the area, other researchers think that this area was a "vicus" which in Roman was an agglomeration of houses or people who lived in a specific place, but using a consensus, the conclusion was reached that it made common sense to be a rest area for travelers heading to the center of Viseu!😮😮
Muchos investigadores creen que la "citania da raposeira" en realidad fue una "villa" osea una casa de campo de un hombre muy rico que estaba explorando la zona, otros investigadores piensan que esta zona era un "vicus" que en romano era una aglomeracion de casas o de personas que habitaban un sitio en especifico, pero usando un consenso se llego a la conclusion que tenia sentido comun ser una zona de descanso para los viajantes que se dirigian al centro de Viseu!🛑❓❗











In the last photo we can see the area of the community baths, we can see some stone seats protruding, where the Romans sat and relaxed inside an artificial pool that had hot water, and this is the most concrete proof that they lived Romans here in the area! One of the cleanest civilizations was the Roman one since they constantly cleaned themselves, therefore this part was important for their personal care and obviously to have fun and socialize! to be direct "a roman could shit publicly while he was talking about business with another roman" at that time this was not a problem! and even a Roman could share his cleaning utensil! to us this seems "silly" but to someone living in the 1st century this was called sophisticated society!!!😮😮
En la ultima foto podemos ver el area de los baños comunitarios, podemos ver sobresalir algunos asientos en piedra, donde los romanos se sentaban y se relajaban dentro de una piscina artificial que disponia de agua caliente, y esta es la prueba mas concreta de que habitaron romanos aqui en la zona! una de las civilizaciones mas limpias fue la romana ya que se aseaban constantemente, por tanto esta parte era importante para su cuidado personal y obviamente para distraerse y socializar! para ser directo "un romano podia cagar publicamente mientras hablaba de negocios con otro romano" en esa epoca esto no era un problema! y hasta un romano podia compartir su utencilio de limpieza! para nosotros esto parece "tonto" pero para alguien que vivia en el siglo I esto se llamaba sociedad sofisticada!!!🧠🦾🦿👭👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏻👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏾👩🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏿👩🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏿👩🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏼














The Romans had hot and cold water, so generally to relax their muscles they took a cold water bath first and then sat in the hot water, this sudden change in temperature helped them relax their muscles better! amazing, right? we can find an (apodyterium) that for us today is a changing room, around the "mansion" there is a water channeling system in which the Romans were also experts carrying water from different areas through aqueducts, in In this case, they were small canals that permanently distributed water throughout the area!😶😶
Los romanos disponian de agua caliente y fria, por lo que generalmente para relajar sus musculos tomaban un baño de agua fria primero y luego se sentaban en el agua caliente este cambio brusco de temperatura les ayudaba a relajar mejor sus musculos! increible no? podemos encontrar un (apodyterium) que para nosotros hoy en dia es un cuarto de cambio de ropa, alrededor de la "mansion" hay un sistema de canalizacion de agua en el cual los romanos tambien eran experto llevando aguas de diferentes zonas por acuaductos, en este caso eran pequeños canales que distribuian agua por la zona de forma permanente!🤔😮




It was a great experience for me and my family to have visited this site! It was my first experience of a Roman architecture called "mansion" that told a piece of history of one of the most advanced civilizations of all time together with the Egyptians and the Greeks!😮🤯

Fue una gran experiencia para mi y mi familia haber visitado este sitio! era mi primera experiencia una arquitectura romana llamada "mansion" que contaba un pedazo de historia de una de las civilizaciones mas avanzadas de todos los tiempos junto con los egiptos y los griegos!🥰🥰


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Lovely history and awesome capture as well to share this amazing history about the Romans in Portuguese, am still surprised that you mention the Romans using urine to brush their teeth thats really interesting to know


Did you know we have a small site with Romain ruins next to where I live. On top, there are remains of a big aqueduct that form a long pleasant trail whenever weather permits. Almost a year ago, I also visited the Alesia site, which was amazing in terms of history. I really recommend it to you if you have a chance to visit France at some point.

Anyway, enough with my life and let's go back to your blog... The site you have shared with us is very valuable, in the sense that there are many explanatory signs with a lot of information. I guess this site is something I should put on my list, if I come back to Portugal with the family (especially the kids).



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Impresionante @oscurity, mientras leía me iba imaginando como era aquel sitio en tiempos del imperio Romano. Me llama la atención como llegan a saber a detalle ciertas costumbres de esta antigua sociedad, aunque sin duda tienen evidencia que sugieran cierta conclusiiones, es facinante aprender de estos sitiios, me encanta, muchas gracias por compartír esta información y espero algún día pisar suelo europeo y quedar anodado por la historia que reposa en sitios como este.


Espero consigas lograr tus metas, mil gracias por ty apoyo es grato saber que leíste y aprendiste algo nuevo 😜
