People with back problems like me would understand the how important it is to have a healthy spine/back. Constant back pains are common and could be as a result of a couple of things from mechanical stress to injuries. But the fact is that the human Vertebral column is a very delicate part of the body that needs uttermost care. It is like the Column and Beam of any structure in Construction Engineering terms, If damaged or ruptured/stressed; the individual might never live a normal life or perhaps die in the process if proper spinal health is unavailable. The same principle goes for all Animals, Birds, Reptiles and so on. Though not so delicate and fragile like the scares are, a slight mishap to the vertebral column could be one of, if not the gravest evil to happen to a man. Taking absolute care of the spine is not rampant as we humans focus more on our outward appearance than the inward parts, unfortunately, the inward parts take care of the outward. A body with failed internal systems could never produce an appealing external parts.

Thankfully, we are in a state of technological advancement which have brought about greater improvement in the almost all branches of Medicine, in this case the one that caters for unhealthy spinal conditions.

Like stated earlier, Mechanical stress to the back is the most prevalent cause of diagnosed and mostly undiagnosed back issues. Not only do injuries affect the human spine, but birth conditions and certain diseases affect the spine as well as nutrition, and could be major causes of severe back pain and general unhealthy skeletal conditions. Unfortunately, only a few places on the planet provides sophisticated and state-of-the-art services to carry out correctional and surgical procedures to the spinal column of victims that are injured or affected by diseases.

An Israeli facility is one of those places where there is high percentage of been cured/healed of most spinal issues humans often have. The Herzliya Medical Center is the haven for Neurosurgery, a home to experienced Neurosurgeons with complex and extensive operating experience in treating injuries and diseases related to the spine and Vertebral Column.



It Could be extremely expensive yet unique to go for a procedure at this facility, this is a spinal surgery that involves the use of Endoscopic Equipments i.e an optical instrument used to look inside the body with the aid of an equipped miniature digital video camera with a special surgical instrument. It is mainly utilized in the medical field to examine the cavity or Hollow parts of the body under examination. A procedure that is widely considered to have positive favorable results with little or no trauma to the patients under treatment.


As one of the latest technology famously utilized by Neurosurgeons in the treatment of spinal injuries and sicknesses. Vertebral Fractures, Spinal Column deformities, Tumors, Herniated discs and any degenerative-dystrophic changes to the spine could be treated using this technology and it's very attractive for fast recovery willing patients because of the minimal risks and scars associated with it.

Strangely(not so strange in medical terms), the Endoscopic gadget is placed in the spine through a very small and accurate incision made e.g about 2 4o 3 cm or less that had been made by the surgeon. This is necessary to access it by having an eye in the cavity of the spine. Through the cuts, the inserted miniature digital video camera enlarges the site of surgery allowing the Medical team to have a good visual of the "Complex Structure and delicate nerves that are been handled in the surgical procedure". Neurosurgeons have an optimum control of every steps and procedure taken through this amazing technology while undergoing a spinal surgery.


  • Lower risks involved with less loss of Blood as only the surgical site is worked upon which gives no room for muscles and tissues tampering.

  • Moderate pain after this procedure has been carried out successfully.

  • Patients have relatively tiny scars after surgery.

  • Postoperative rehabilitation takes a few months while open spinal surgery takes over one year to recover fully.

  • Just few days of Hospitalization after surgery.

  • Success of this procedure depends largely on the experience and skill of the Neurosurgeon in charge.


  • Could be extremely Expensive.

  • Not readily available in most health care centers.

  • Only a few Neurosurgeons are available to carry out such procedure like this one.

To Conclude:

Anyone who doesn't have back pains might not consider the issue of back pains with the spine a very pressing one. I often experience reoccurring back pain due to a slight injury in sustained back in 2017 on Boxing Day. This made me read and research well on this topic any chance I got, spinal health is equally important for both the healthy and those suffering from different back problems, it is as important as the air we breathe in and uttermost care must be taken to avoid injuries and diseases to the spine.


I really love this idea of minimal invasive surgery on the spine. I mean, it is really great to see technology being applied in the field of medicine.
Nice piece buddy
