The Intensity and Stages of Migraine.

The intense pain or pulsing sensation often felt at one side of the head is known as migraine. the feeling of pain at the side of the head does not happen alone, it is also accompanied by other feelings like; nausea and even vomiting in some cases, extreme sensitive feeling to sound and light is one of the accompanied features as well. Magraine could last for either a few minutes or for long hours, the pain could also feel so intense that you are unable to carry on with your activities for the day.
Are you a victim of maigrane and you do not mind sharing your experience? Please share your experience in the comment section.


I saw a lady who says she has magriane on a regular, sometimes on a weekly basis and I really feel so bad for her, I wonder what could trigger such consistent and regular feeling , but we are about to find out more about maigraine in this post, so, just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Some of the people who experience maigraine have a prior feeling of an aura before the headache comes. An aura could be either a visual disturbances or other forms of disturbances, the viisual disturbances could come in the form of light flashes or blind spots disturbances.

Certain medications would make migraines become less painful but they definitely would not cure it completely. Taking appropriate medications and adusting to certain lifestyle changes would make it really serious.


Stages of Magraine.

Predrome Stage:This happens one or two days before the migrain commences, there may be a type of experienced subtle changes, giving warning of an upcoming migraine. The symptoms include;

  • Fluid retention.
  • Constant yawning.
  • Stiff neck.
  • Increased appetitie.
  • Constant urination.
  • Constant mood changes.

Aura stage: The aura stage may occur before or during migraines, they are a reversable sysmptom of the nervous system. Symptoms begins through a gradual process, gets developed and could also last for up to 60 minutes. Certain examples are;

  • Loss of vision.
  • Difficult speaking process.
  • Pins and needles sensations in the arm and leg.

Attack stage: The period taken for migraine to last varies amongst individuals, it could last for up to 72 hours especially when left untreated. During migraine, you may experience;

  • Sensitivity to sound, light, touch and smell.
  • Nausea and vomitting.
  • Pain experienced at a side or both sides of the head.

Post-drome: This is an after effect of migraine, after the migraine, you may feel confused, drained and washed out for a period of 24 hours of even less. Sudden movement of head could slightly bring brief feelings of pain.

There are different types of migraine's but there are basically two common ones; there is migraine with aura and there is migraine without aura.

Migraine with aura: Experiencing migraine with aura often comes with two forms of attacks. The aura that goes away is a completely reversable one, which comes with atleast one type of symptom.

  • Language or speech problem.
  • Body weakness.
  • Numbness in sensory regions like the face, the tounge or the body, often accompanied with diziness as well.
  • Visual problem.
  • Unclear speech.

The second form of aura contains at least one symptom type that spreads gradually over 5 or more minutes, each cymptoms of the aura often lasts for about 5 minutes to an hour.
The symptom is often around one sie of the head. Aura usually preceeds headache, but it would continue once the attack begins, on the other hand, the aura may begin at the same time with the attack.


Migraine without aura: Most of the people who experience maigraine, do not necessarily experience any type of aura alongside.

Chronic Migraine: This type of migraine comes with features of migraine and tension headache, it can be trigerred by the use of excessive medication. Those who experience chronic migraine usually experience serious tension heaache or migraine attack for more than 15 days in each month, the migraine attacks could either come in the form of one with aura or in the form of one without aura.

An individual may become even more susceptible to chronic migraine based on these facors;

  • Depression..
  • Anxiety.
  • Previous neck and head injury.
  • High blod pressure.
  • Arthritis.

Acute Migraine: This is a term used to describe migraine's that at not chronic, it is also referred to as episodic migraine. They usually have lesser attacks in a month than those with chronic migraine.

Hormonal Migraine: This type of migraine is often linked with the female hormone usually estorgen. Those who ovulate often report cases of migraine headaches during; pregancy, ovulation, period and premenopause.

Certain migraine triggers exist and needs to be avoided to further avoid further reactions;

  • Drinks: Some types of alchohol and wine's, even excessive caffines could trigger migraine.

  • Hormonal changes in women: Estrogen flunctutations, during or before menstural periods, menopause, pregnancy, triggers headaches amongst women. Certain oral contraceptives, can also worsen migraine condition.

  • Stess: Stress can orsen migraine condition.

  • Medications: Taking in oral contraceptives and vasodilators, like nitroglycerin, they can aggreviate migraine conditions.

  • Food: Certain food types like aged cheeses, processed and salty foods may trigger migraines food sweetners and preservatives found in so many food items may also trigger migrain conditions.

  • Sleep patterns: Missing sleep or not getting sufficient sleep time aslo results in maigraine.

The most appropriate time to see a doctor, is when you notice frequent symtoms and signs of migraine since it could be as a result of a more serious condition. When you notice these symptoms, seek medical help instantly.

  • New headache occurence after the age of 50.
  • Experienced headache after an a head inury.
  • Chronic headache which gets wose after coughing, straining or sudden movement.
  • Headache accompained with stiff neck, confusion, seizures, fever, numbness, weakness of the body, which could be a sign of stroke.


It is wise to seek proprer medical attention with migraine rather than taking random medications, this is because the constant intake of pain killers would trigger serious headaches and even more complex cases.



Hi, I am Tobi a writer, speaker, relationship blogger, and lover of good music. I love making friends and learning from people. Want to hear me speak on relationships and general life issues, you can find my podcast channel Here and I also have a youtube channel where you can listen and watch any episode for free, do not forget to subscribe and share with friends. I sincerely appreciate every love I get from members of the community and do well to keep them coming.


As I understand it, there is a relationship between hormonal disorders and the onset of migraine, in view of the fact that women have more hormones and these are more determinant in women, most of the time migraine occurs in women.
It is complicated, I have friends who suffer from migraine, and it is very annoying for them.
Thank you


Migraine is a very annoying situation, it could be scary as well. Hormonal changes in women make us experience more intense conditions most times, thanks for your time and I hope your friends get better.


Migraine can really be devastating when one experience it. I was a victim it several times when Growing up and trust me, it is not the best feeling you can ever wish to have


I can only imagine, friend, I hope you are feeling much better now? I have never experienced it before, but from reading this article, it feels scary already.


I cannot even imagine migraine in little children, it would be too bad, thanks for your time @royalevidence, and have a great week.


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