The Deadly Sides of Hepatitis.

Hepatitis is a strong life-threatening medical problem, the different types of hepatitis that exist occur in different stages and they have different treatments, putting all the details of different hepatitis that occur in one post, will make it extremely lengthy, the reason why I decided to have the length of the article split into two, this will make it more convenient to read.

I already explained details on hepatitis as a condition, as well as the description of hepatitis A and B, writing them again here, will be a waste of time, so please kindly read about them Here, while I go ahead to write about the other types of hepatitis that exist.


Hepatitis C

This is a liver disease that is actually contagious, it could lead to liver failure, liver cancer, and cirrhosis. The early detection and treatment of hepatitis C could help prevent liver damage, it is left untreated, the situation would lead to a critical one.
We know that hepatitis is caused by a virus, hepatitis C invades the liver cell, causes inflammation, causes swelling, and dysfunction, and eventually leads to the damage of an organ.

Hepatitis C happens to be one of the most common viral infections that are blood-borne, according to research, up to [2.4million] people are living with the disease in the united states, the most terrible part of it is that the majority of the people living with hepatitis C are not aware that they are living with the condition.

The virus can be transmitted through blood contact, which could be through; used needles or contact in a healthcare environment. The case of hepatitis C can either be an acute or a chronic condition. A person with acute hepatitis can have the symptoms of the disease last for up to 6 months, but in most clear cases, the acute condition eventually, leads to a chronic one. There is no vaccine yet to help prevent hepatitis C, but there are new medications that can be used to cure the virus, some researchers also believe that there is a high chance for the infection to become really rare by 2036.

The symptoms of hepatitis C range from a mild illness that could last for just a few weeks to a chronic health condition, those with hepatitis C in most cases, do not know they have it, especially when it is at its acute stage, especially with the fact that it has no symptoms. Let's analyse briefly, the difference between acute and chronic hepatitis.

Most people with hepatitis C condition usually do not have any clear symptoms as mentioned previously, if there are any clear-cut symptoms, it becomes clear at 2-12 weeks after exposure, it is for this reason that medical experts refer to hepatitis C as the ''silent epidemic''. The possible symptom that may arise includes; fever, abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stool, joint pain, and jaundice(which is even a very rare case).

The viral condition becomes a chronic one when the body becomes unable to clear the virus, it doesn't also come with any clear-cut symptom, it may only be figured out during a routine blood test or screening for the blood donation process. When hepatitis C is not diagnosed fast and left untreated, it could result in;

  • A case of liver failure.
  • Liver cancer.
  • Chronic liver disease.
  • Cirrhosis.

The possibility of becoming a carrier of this virus comes from;

  • Using or having used injectable drugs.
  • A child who has been born to a mother with hepatitis C.
  • Being exposed to a needle stick.
  • Blood transfusion process without appropriate blood screening.
  • Sexual contact without protection.
  • Using items that could have contacted blood in the past.
  • Sharing items that have contact with blood, this could either be razor or toothbrushes.
  • Getting a tattoo from an unsafe source.

The best way not to fall into the trap of having hepatitis C is by avoiding contaminated blood, using new needles all the time, and ensuring appropriate sterilization of items before use. While there is a modern treatment for hepatitis C, those with the disease, also have to maintain good health like; by quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol, maintaining a healthy weight, and appropriately managing other conditions that may be associated with the virus.


Hepatitis D

Hepatitis D is different from the other types of hepatitis, in this case, the virus requires the assistance of another hepatitis virus for replication and infection, usually, the hepatitis B virus is required for the replication process. The virus can be transmitted through, contact with infected blood or blood products. Those who self-inject drugs, recipients of hemodialysis, and indigenous people stand a higher chance of getting the virus. The prevention of hepatitis D comes from the immunization of hepatitises D.

The symptom of hepatitis occurs between 3-7 weeks after infection, the possible symptoms include; loss of appetite, fever, fatigue, dark urine, jaundice, and pale-colored stool. There is a treatment for hepatitis D which usually lasts for 48 weeks regardless of whether there is a reaction or not, the treatment however shows a less likely chance of disease progression.

Hepatitis E

Hepatitis E affects the liver, it has the possibility of making the liver swell. Most cases of hepatitis E would get better within just a few months as it doesn't often escalate into a serious health condition like other cases of hepatitis, however, it can be really dangerous for pregnant women, those who are ill/old, and even those who have a weak immune system.

Hepatitis E could be spread through poop, if you consume the food or water that has been in contact with the stool of a person who has the virus, then, there is a great likelihood of having the virus. Consuming animal meats that are not adequately prepared, could result in hepatitis E as well. Possible symptoms of hepatitis E are; Fatigue, dark urine color, skin rash, yellowish skin, lack of appetite, mild fever, vomiting, and stomach pain.

In most studied cases, hepatitis E would go away on its own after around 4-6 weeks, resting, eating healthy, consuming lots of water, and completely avoiding alcohol would go a long way to help ease the symptoms felt.

There is no vaccine for hepatitis E, but consuming only clean water, making the decision not to consume undercooked meat or raw shellfish, and washing your hand consistently, especially after using the toilet and changing a diaper, will do some good in helping to prevent the possibility of the virus from developing.


Hepatitis is a very strong medical issue that needs to be handled as swiftly as it is noticed, since some categories of hepatitis do not come with some clear symptoms, a regular medical check-up is advised. Safe sex should be practiced and of course, healthy hygiene should be appropriately maintained.

For further studies.,medical%20conditions%20can%20cause%20hepatitis.


Hi, I am Tobi a writer, speaker, relationship blogger, and lover of good music. I love making friends and learning from people. Want to hear me speak on relationships and general life issues, you can find my podcast channel Here and I also have a youtube channel where you can listen and watch any episode for free, do not forget to subscribe and share with friends. I sincerely appreciate every love I get from members of the community and do well to keep them coming.


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