The Effect of Vaccination and Its Relationship with Immune System



The Covid-19 pandemic that has lit up the world lately has had an impact on various sectors, this is due to large-scale social restrictions, the implications of which can have an impact on the economic, social, psychological, and health sectors.

The increase in new cases that occur cannot be separated from bad habits carried out by the community such as not using masks, not washing hands, and not avoiding crowds. The worst thing is that there is the public interest that vaccines can weaken them and even be considered as mere engineering for business programs.

The Covid-19 vaccination program is actually an effort to increase the artificial immune system, meaning that a body that has its own immunity needs to be given an additional immunity to protect itself from viruses that attack the body. Each Covid-19 vaccine has a variant of its composition, for example, the Astra Zeneca Vaccine which has a composition of genetic material from pathogens that functions to stimulate the body's immune response to viruses. The Sinopharm vaccine has a different role, it paralyzes the virus and serves as immunogenicity for the body.
Furthermore, Moderna which uses messenger RNA (mRNA) also has a role as an antibody response to form body immunity.

From the description of the vaccine above, it shows that the Covid-19 vaccine is an effort to encourage the formation of immunity for humans so that it can become a bulwark against viral attacks that can be deadly.

Nowadays, in developing countries with low human resources, it has a major influence on public awareness of the importance of vaccines as body immunity, and in developing countries such as Indonesia, for example, people tend to be apathetic to government efforts in carrying out national vaccination programs as an effort to anticipate virus attacks.

So, the question is why did this happen? They tend to see everything not from scientific studies, people tend to consume news published from social media so that it has a big influence on the formation of new mindsets.

The hoax news they read causes them to be apathetic and have a tendency to refuse to be vaccinated. as a medical officer, I have a lot of experience with the public response to vaccination. Until now, the vaccination coverage should have reached 12,000 people, but at the vaccination service facility where I work, only 2,100 people have been covered.

We tried to make new breakthroughs to increase vaccination coverage rates, for example by opening service posts at several points in sub-districts, but the results were the same, there were no significant developments. Then we also visited every village and opened a post there, this also did not show any change.

Based on our study, the public is not aware of the existence of vaccines as an effort to form antibodies, in fact, the hoax news they read makes them apathetic about the vaccination program. how can this virus be suppressed from spreading, while they are apathetic about the program they are running!


You seem to have concluded in your mind what caused the low turnout for the vaccines in your country. I believe it is a mix of several factors, including poverty.

In Nigeria, for example, people believe that hunger has taken more lives than covid-19 since the virus first got into the country. Everyone was locked down with zero palliatives and many lost their lives trying to make ends meet. Some people would rather die of covid instead of taking the vaccine. It is a mindset, not about whether there are more sinister things about vaccines.


I also see it that way, but every country has a different background, including the fulfillment of basic needs must be a priority scale. As a health worker, I only see from a medical perspective and the background of the problem here.

Economic factors and education are the main indicators. while in areas with a good economy will have a different view on vaccines.

Thank you for the concept you convey and I totally agree with it.
