RE: Power Restoration after Typhoon: Why taking too long?!


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@juecoree ! It is frustrating and disgusting to live without light, I truly understand what you are currently passing through over there, though, it is not a new thing to us here in Africa as you rightly said, but what make yours to be different is that you have used to constant supply of electricity over the years. My advice is that you should endeavor to manage with your neighbor for now or seeking for alternative though it is quite expensive as you said and lastly you should be patient with the authority, they will soon restore yours with no corruption involved. Regards to you!


My advice is that you should endeavor to manage with your neighbor for now or seeking for alternative though it is quite expensive as you said and lastly you should be patient with the authority, they will soon restore yours with no corruption involved.

I did borrow my uncle's diesel generator for a few days, but it wasn't the best alternative. Operating it is a bit pricey and it is is noisy(I had neighbors with infants). I am currently charging up my gadget at my neighbor. Hopefully, power restored in the next few days since our area is on the monitoring list already.

Have a slice of !PIZZA
